About Me
age: 21
location: Reykjavík, Iceland
nationality: Icelandic
msn: trinagunnars (at) hotmail (dot) com
reading: Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen. Old Arcadia, by Sir Philip Sidney.
listening to: My iPod
watching: Buffy DVDs, How I Met Your Mother and Gossssssip Girl
likes: sleep, Pepsi Max, YAs by Meg Cabot, TV and my late cat, Joakim
dislikes: Techno, math, fish
Aldís María
Meg Cabot
Sigrun Ugla
Mummy dearest
Júlía Ara
Frog Prince
Birna Kristín
Anna Margrét
Other links
blogger.com profile
Pictures/myndir 2005
Pictures/myndir 2005-2007 (Scotland)
Poet Katrin
Gavin DeGraw
My Bible
Meg Cabot official website
See This Movie
He with whom I compare all persons of the opposite sex
Officially a fan
My old high school
My old college
The Uni Choir
Uni Choir chat
Reykjavík weather
Old Stuff
November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 July 2010 October 2010 March 2011
Monday, March 29, 2004
Always look at the bright side of life, beedoobeedoo....
Yes, you should always look at the bright side of life, for verily I say unto you, every cloud has a silver lining.
My cloud´s silver lining is.... just a sec............. I forgot........ What is the silver lining of my cloud?
There is a silver lining, but it has nothing to do with the grey and nasty cloud of the messed up blogskin.
This is the silver lining: I AM GOING TO DENMARK TOMORROW!!!!
to be more accurate; the plane takes off in approx. 10 hours!!!!
Although, there is an unpolished spot on the silver; I have to wake up at 4 o´clock, because the bus leaves from school at 5. Luckily, I live circa 30 seconds from school, so I don´t have to wake up much earlier. It´ll probably take me a little more than 30 seconds to drag my suitcase (it´s on wheels) to school. It´s mostly downhill, so it won´t be hard. But, then again... there´s snow outside (started snowing yesterday, forgot to tell you, was to busy being annoyed), and though I´ve never dragged a suitcase through a 3 1/2 cm deep snow, I suspect it might be a tiny bit more difficult, than if there were no snow.
Well. Moving on from my debating with myself.
I went to a hair salon today, and had my hair dyed. It is now a bit darker and a tiny bit redder, than it was. For you who do not know, my natural hair colour is the signature Icelandic hair colour; light light brown-ish (also known as dishwater-blonde). But I´ve been dying it brown for about 10 months now. Personally, I think I look a lot better with dark hair.
besides tis blog, I keep two other diaries; one in which I write my deepest and darkest secrets (that is, if I had any dark secret, I´d write it down there), and another, which is so cute, A6-size, with pictures of The Moomintroll, The Snok Maiden and Little My on the cover. I call it my Moomintroll-book. I keep it in my school bag and when something happens, that I want to remember, I write it down in my Moomintroll-book. It´s not like anything exciting happens a lot in school, but there´s small stuff, that I want to remember, like for example, if someone, especially a teacher, says something funny or stupid, or maybe if I suddenly remember something that happened to me years ago I write it down before I forget it again.
Here are a couple of exsamples:
2/9/04-Monday-Íþaka (the school library)-14:38
A short while ago, when I was walking out of the school building, I saw a teacher, who was so absorbed in something he was reading, that he didn´t see where he was going, and bumped into one of the pillars that hold up the roof over the entrance of Casa Christi!
Just a minute ago Guðbjartur (the Chem. teacher) came in with his "jæja" ("well,well"), but there is no Chem. on Wednesday, and the girls who were standing near the door were quick to tell him that. Then he took up his timetable and said: "Why do I always get so confused?". This is just another sign that he is going a little senile. The other signs are that he always has his eyes half-closed, he dpeaks rather slowly, and, not to mention, he shares an office with one of his old students!
I have decided, that when my Moomintroll-book is full, I´m going to rewrite it in another book, a lot bigger one (already have two of this kind), and when I´m finished with the successor of the Moomintroll-book, I´m going to rewrite that one into the big book, and so on and so on. So In a few years, I´ll have a full book of memories.
Well, see ya´ll next week!
QotD: "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." -Jesus Christ | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:11:-
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Cheer me up?
Would anyone, just anyone, say something to cheer me up? Because I am so sad right now. Well not sad, exactly. Annoyed, bummed out, more like. All this, that I have mentioned before, is reaaally starting to annoy me. I am on the verge of crying, out of mere annoyance.
Please? | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:37:-
What. The. F**K.
What the F**K is going on? I was checking on my archives, and suddenly there´s another skin. And. Guess what. IT´S THE SKIN I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO REPLACE MY OLD ONE WITH ALL DAY!!!!!! And it would look good, if the fu**ing Icelandic letters would be there. But they aren´t. So it looks ridiculous.
I hate this. I just wish everything would go back to the way it used to be.
BLOODY HELLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:15:-
I just spent the last HOURS editing a new skin for my blog (used my mom´s laptop, since my computer won´t open the Notepad), "preview"-ed it, it looked nice, so I saved it, and, voila: BIG FAT NOTHING!!!!! This skin hasn´t changed at all. Even though the HTML is different, THE SKIN IS STILL THE SAME!!!!!!!
Maybe it´s just in this computer. Please comment and tell me if the skin looks something like this!
QotD: "Oh... this is so... lovely!" -Sabrina and Zelda, from Sabrina the Teenage Witch | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 19:59:-
Saturday, March 27, 2004
As you can see, I have changed the title of my blog to Ms. Mad Kat. I would just like to point out, that I do know how to spell cat, the Kat in the title is just a reference to my name, Katrín.
I found a really cool skin last night, with a picture of the Cheshire cat, from Alice in Wonderland. I downloaded it, and I´m going to use it, if I can ever get the fu**ing Notepad with the HTML for the skin, to open. It really does bug me; the slowness of my computer. Mostly because it shouldn´t be so slow; it´s Windows XP Professional. Anyways. Everytime I try to open Notepad, nothing happens, until circa 15-20 minutes later, when the computer tells me that it needs to restart to open this document. So, last night, I let it restart itself TWICE, and it STILL wouldn´t open Notepad. And I know that it CAN, because yesterday, after an hour or so, it opened Notepad with the HTML for a skin, that I was going to use, but I changed my mind, because it isn´t good enough for me. No, only the best for me!
QotD: "Comment is free, but facts are sacred." -C. P. Scott | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 14:04:-
Friday, March 26, 2004
Am going to try and change the skin. Of this blog, that is. Not mine. Although, I would like to change my skin, if I could. Get rid of my tendency to get zits after I eat chocolate, and, my favourite, licorice. I can never get enough of licorice, but, unfortunately, that means zits. Thank God they only come few at a time. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:15:-
What is it whith these quizzes...
Took another quiz...
 Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
I would like to be like Willow, a witch, and all that, but I´m not. So why the fuck is this the outcome? I guess I´m not like any BtVS girl. Stupid. I wish I were strong and fast like Buffy, a witch, like Willow, funny, like Anya, pretty, like all of them, and a boy magnet, like Cordelia. Like that´s ever going to happen!
In my dreams. Yes. in my dreams.
QotD: "I have only one regret, and that is that I am not someone else." -Woody Allen | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:36:-
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Sorry people!
I just want to apologize for the oh so annoying font that my entries have suddenly and mysteriously been changed to. It appears that some ghost has been bugging my blog, and I can´t change it back. I´m just going to give it another day or two, and you who have yet to read my earlier oh so fabulous entries (my oh my, ain´t I modest) will just have to live with reading my latest fabulous entry!
Sorry again! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:38:-
Vote for this! Vote for that!
Well, it´s election week! In my school, that is. People are running for Inspector Scholae, President of The Future, and all kinds of committees. I haven´t decided who I am going to vote for, but I find it quite amusing to observe the election campaigns (my muse says "hi"...). People are giving away food (great for me, don´t have to buy lunch!) in the "cafeteria" (I use " and " because it´s so small it isn´t really a cafeteria), handing out "X-Blabla" notes, covering the walls of the school (including classrooms) with campaign posters, candidates are knocking on classroom doors (interrupting "important grammar ponderings" (note the sarcasm...)) to discuss their electoral promises with students, frantically trying to seize the vote of the newly franchised students (muse borrowed keyboard for a while). There was some boy who put up a poster in our classroom in the lunch break, and shortly afterwards Hannes Portner (the caretaker) came in and took it down. A few minutes later the same boy who had put up the poster came in again and checked if it was still there, saw it wasn´t, asked if Hannes had taken it, said something like "dammit" and went out again. I suppose he didn´t put the poster up on the right spot on the wall, or something. Hannes Portner is a very dedicated caretaker, and no one goes through 4 years in MR, without being told by Hannes at least once not to rest their feet on the tables in the "cafeteria". I myself have been scolded once, and this is only my first year here!
I´m looking forward to Friday, the election day, and seeing who will get Inspector Scholae, Collegae, President of the Future, vice-presidents of the Future and so on and so on. We got an election pamphlet where all the candidates wrote a mini-article about why they would be best for the position they´re running for. Having read that, I´m still not sure who I´m going to vote for.
Well, I shall sleep on this and I hope I´ll have made up my mind by Friday! If not, well, then I´ll just have to rely on the good old "ini mini myni moo" (?don´t know how it´s spelled, but you know what I mean?)
QotD: "The Gods themselves do tremble" -Spike, from BtVS | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:23:-
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Bloody hell
I´ve been either too lazy or too busy to blog this last week.
I shouldn´t even be sitting here right now. I should be studying for one of these 5 tests that I´ll be taking this week. Want to know how much I´ve studied this weekend? Yesterday I read 2 pages of history (Roman Empire) and today I read another 2 pages of history. I now have left about 20. And, you should know, the letters are really small and there are like a million facts in every sentence (exaggeration), so you can imagine it takes time to read this. And I don´t plan on reading any more today. I suppose I should take a look at Min ven Thomas tonoght. I will. I hereby promise myself and everyone who reads this (=no one) that I will read as much as I can tonight.
Although not sure how much I can read.
Last night, when I should have been studying I went to see the Passion of the Christ. I went alone, mostly because I find it better to go alone to the cinema. No one whispering in your ear (so quietly that you have to strain your ears to listen, therefor missing what´s happening in the movie) something like: "This is so unreal", or "I´ve seen better movies" or "Oo, he´s cute". It´s just so annoying. And you don´t have to argue over where the best place to sit is (I don´t really care, as long as it is in the middle of the row) and all in all, I can enjoy the movie better.
Anyway. Back to Jesus. It was a good movie, and I´m glad I went to see it, but it is bloody disgusting. I had my eyes closed half the time. It was pretty much all about how much Jesus was tortured the last days before he was crucified. It was horrible, and what was even more horrble, was knowing that these kinds of toture were just a part of every day back then. It was also very creepy (in the movie) how the Devil was always lurking around.
My eyes were threatening to leak the whole movie, and they finally did the last few minutes. It was just so sad.
I suppose that, after all, I do believe in God. I can´t be an atheist. It´s just not me.
And I want to write more, but I´ve been online too long, so so long!
QotD: "The hardest tihng in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me." -Buffy, from BtVS | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 18:48:-
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Stuck on you...
There´s a song called Stuck on You, that is disgustingly over-played on the radio station that I usually listen to (won´t mention the name...ashamed that I actually listen to this station...).
I just wanted to clear that right up before I start writing anything else, so people won´t think I made this line up to fit my post. Just so you know.
Well. Anyways.
Things are not going my way (or anybody else´s in my class, actually) right now. There´s a test on Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Two of these are book quizes (?), and, luckily, I have, in my boredom these last weeks, already read. But I suppose I´ll have to take a quick look at them before the tests, because, how embarrassing would it be if I´d do very badly on these tests (which has never happened before, exept in chem., so I´m not worried) and it was just because I didn´t bother to study? But I suspedt, that even if I wouldn´t study at all, I´d still get at least a 7. Maybe higher. I can say this from experience, since it was not long ago that I got a 7 on a geology test which I had forgotten all about, and just leafed through my friend´s notes minutes before the test.
Well. Moving on to my next problem (eða, eins og ég vil orða það: bömmer). This anonymous guy I saw still hasn´t moved out of my head yet. Quoting (loosely) the genius Kylie Minouge: "I just can´t get him out of my head..." seriously. I couldn´t help but think about him all day. Even though I almost can´t remember what he looks like! Is this healthy? Wait, I can answer this myself: NO!
My mom just can´t keep a secret. I accidentally told her that I was blogging and asked her not to tell anyone, and she just accidentally told her sister, who shows that she reads my blog regularly (Auður!), and tonight she accidentally told her brother, but I stopped her before she could tell him the URL. The last thing I want is more adult relatives reading about my innermost thoughts and feelings... Not that I write about it here... Or ever will, now...
Oh, and I just wanted to tell you all, who are to shy to comment: I want comments, people, comments! And as for why I write in English: because, for some reason, I find it a lot more fun to write in English. I just do.
So, wish me luck trying to get rid of Mr. John Doe out of my head!
QotD: "I´d like to keep Britain tidy." -Paul McCartney, from Hard Day´s Night | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:59:-
At first sight.......
It was fun at the choir "convention". Well, sort of. There was this one song, which had been composed especially for this event, by a young composer. He looks like he´s 25-28. And he´s kind of a hottie. For all these weeks I hated his guts for writing such a boring son, not to mention difficult, but then, after having practiced it for about an hour (whith breaks, so it seemed a lot longer), it sounded really beautiful, when 360 people are singing it. It´s not the ideal song for a 60 people choir, but for hudreds, it sounds good.
There was only one choir, out of 17, that had practiced that song a lot. The MH-choir. The conductor of the MH-choir is like 60 years old (looks like 70) and has been conducting this choir from the beginning. A friend of mine who is in that choir said that she probably only got in this choir (it´s a well-respected choir, so you have to audition to get in) because her mother was in this choir. So. Moving on. The conductor of the MH-choir made us practice this song until it was almost good enough.
Then 10 of these 17 choirs that were there sang for the others, and most of them were good. Exept one really small choir, but I will not mention the name. Only that, one of the songs they sang was Malaika. The MH-choir, however, was reallly good. The are 90-something, but I think there were only about 80 there. Anyways. When they were up there, singing (they took the whole stage and bleachers, btw) I got a vision. A boy in the front row. There is only one word I can use to describe him: Beautiful. If there is such a thing as love at first sight, then I´m in love. With a boy I don´t know, don´t know his name, not how old he is; the onæy thing that I know about him is that he´s in MH, and in the MH-choir. That´s it. But, none the less, I am totally in love with him. Or, maybe at that moment I saw him, I was. I´m starting to forget what he looks like... :). But if I saw hi´m again, I´d recognize him, and I would probably get that weird feeling in my stomach again. Like butterflies fluttering around in there. It´s kind of a good feeling. Never got that feeling before, and I have thought I was in love (whith a boy I didn´t really know...again) before.
Oh, well, I´ll forget this soon. Sometime. Maybe.... It´s hopeless, anyway. He didn´t even notice me.
Been through that befor.
But. I am not going to discuss this any more.
I moved on Sunday. Now I live about 1/2 minute from my school. That´s good. I´ll never be late again.
Yeah right. I was almost late this morning. The teacher was walking right in front of me when I got in the building.
About an hour ago I moved my new desk, with the big help of my mom´s boyfriend, into my room, and set up the computer. That I did all by myself. I have also packed up more than half of my manymany books. But there´s also a lot I haven´t packed up, for exaple all my shlothes, exept the ones I´m wearing right now, are stuffed in bags and a suitcase. Because the closet, which is mom´s old closet, is in serious need of repair, and hasn´t even been moved into my room yet. It´s just standing there, out of place in the living room. And we can´t watch TV, because the aerial hasn´t benn connected yet. Not that we have time to watch TV anyway, but I just wanted to tape The O.C. Now I´ll just have to get up early on Sunday morning (thank God for reruns) to tape it.
Well, I think this is good enough for today. Tonight.
So long!
QotD: "Yes it really really really could ´appen!" -Damon Albarn, Blur, the song The Universal | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:53:-
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Loads of boxes
So we´re moving this Sunday. I´ve packed all my stuff, exept the computer and my ster
eo. I´ll pack them on Sunday, or mom will do it tomorrow, because I am going to this choir "convention" (don´t know the English word for it, but you get the picture, right?) in Selfoss tomorrow, and will be there all day. I wasn´t sure if I should go, seeing as how I am moving the next day, but mom said it was ok. So I´m going.
The "Gangaslagur" (Hallway Fight) was on Thursday. For you who do not know what Gangaslagur is; it´s a tradition in my school, that goes waaaay back. It goes like this: The oldest students are about to take their finals, and want to get to class, and ring the ancient bell in the main building (which was built in 18something), but the rest of the school doesn´t wan´t to get to class, so they crowd the entrance (which isn´t very large) and the bottom of the stairway (not large either) to prevent the seniors from getting to the bell and ringing it. But the seniors don´t give up so easily; the boys take their shirts off, smear grease an other slippery stuff all over their chest, and jump onto the crowd, and try to crawl their way to the bell over the crowd, who try to pull them down or pushing them in the opposite direction of the bell. So that´s how it works. It´s actually relly fun. For me, it was more fun afterwards, becaus it was so crowded in there that I had trouble breathing, and I was just gasping for air the whole time, and I also couldn´t help screaming really loud, which nobody heard, it was already so loud there, because my hair was being pulled from every direction, and HARD! At one point I thought my hair was simply being ripped off my head.
But I´m glad I was there! But next time, I am not going to stand so close to the stairs!
This is my school, MR
QotD: "A blooming book!" -Ringo Starr, from Hard Day´s Night
p.s. got 8,5 for the glossary test. kinda disappointed, but I only had three wrong, out of 20, so I would think that´s good, right? | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:28:-
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
My computer has almost been invaded by warrior viruses (what I call them) quite a few times. I´ve got about 6 weird e-mails from either god-knows-who or someone I know but has absolutely no idea that I got an e-mail from them. Last night my computer told me that a virus had been detected, but, apparently my wonderful comp. has destroyed it, as there is no evidence of any damage. (Sounds proffessional, eh?). But now I delete every e-mail that I don´t recognize, and I advise everybody to do the same!
By the way, I did splendidly on the glossary test, only took me about five minutes, and I spent the rest of the period filling the little holes in the letters, with black pen. I was the last to give the teacher the test back, because I wanted to finish the page. Heehee. I suppose everybody thinks I am really slow. Which I am not. Quite the contrary. And I will be very disappointed if I get less than 8,5 for this test.
Hejhej allesammen!
QotD: "It´s all over the place." -John Lennon, from Hard Day´s Night | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:50:-
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Empowering omelette
Cooked today. An omelette. Usually my omelette is quite good, but today it wasn´t. Oh no, it wasn´t. Although, everyone else thought it was good. To me it was dry, and the colour was kinda offputting. It was green like mildew, because I used green pepper. Green pepper and eggs don´t look so good when mixed. Not at all. So I just ate a lot of rice.
Anyways. Can´t write more, must study. For an English glossary test. Ironic. Heh.
QotD: "Run Forrest, run!" | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:21:-
Sunday, March 07, 2004
Solid evidence
I planted some new memories on my painting t-shirt today. Beige, (my mom and her boyfriend´s room) and white (the ceiling in my new room). Older memories include burgundy (my room), green (my new room), orange (former living room of my half-brother´s dad) and white (our new kitchen). Tomorrow I will probably create some new memories; screaming blue (my brother´s new room) and maybe even some more white (stairway)! I suspect that this t-shirt will follow me for many many years, what with all the solid evidence of my painting experience. If, in the future, someone asks me if I´m a good painter, I´ll just show them the t-shirt, and they will hire me to paint their house. Heehee.
For you, who are first understanding this blog now (=Mags ;) ), I am moving next Saturday, and all this weekend I´ve been helping with the painting of our new house. Just a few hours ago I rolled the ceiling of my room white, and, I tell you, it´s HARD! I was sweating like I was running around the huge pond of Reykjavík, which I am supposed to do next Wednesday, actually. 2000 metres. That´s a little bit more than 2 circles. I hate running, especially outside in the rain. I´m kind of a slow runner, and I hate that the time it takes me to run these 2000 metres will play a big part in my p.e. grade, which is already preeetty low. P.e. is my worst subjct, save for chemistry. I also hate chemistry. It doesn´t help that the teacher isn´t such a good teacher. He has been teaching for decades, and his wife teaches Danish in the no.1 "rival school" of MR (my school); Verzló. I think that the only reason the chem. teacher is still teaching, is that he has been there for so long.
And, since I´m already compleining about teachers, I might mention the math teacher. She is just so clueless. It´s like she thinks we are still in 7th grade, and need to do every single problem on the black board. So it´s no wonder that we are so behind all the other classes. Although, we are the only language class in our year (25 girls and 1 boy, I might add), and all the other nine are scicence classes. But if there were another language class, we´d definitely be behind. The teacher has been on sick leave since the Christmas holiday, and just came back last week. The substitute teachers (?) were a lot better than her, and it is no surprise that I got a 9 (on the scale 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 highest) for the last quiz, my highest math grade since last year! Plus it was kind of an easy quiz.
Well, I have to go get my laundry and iron my curtains!
QotD: "It´s my concidered opinion that you are all a bunch of sissies." -Paul McCartney´s grandfater, from Hard Day´s Night | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:32:-
Carlsberg...Tuborg...og så videre...
I decided to write a little in English. For you, Mags!
I just got an e-mail from my Danish pen-pal, Morten, whom I´m supposed to stay with when we (my class) are in Helsinge. That´ll be fun. But that´s only for three days, and then we go to København and stay there for 2 ½ days, which I am really looking a lot more forward to, than staying with a Danish family and going to a Danish school and only speak Danish. Morten said (wrote) that my Danish was “sygt god”; very good. But it actually took me quite a while to write the first letter (the others to), having to look a lot of words up in the dictionary. But I know I can understand (almost) everything, written, that is; it can sometimes be a little difficult to understand spoken Danish. I´m just glad that we´re not going to Århus. I´ve never been there myself, but I´ve heard, and read, that it can be very hard to understand the people there, their accent is so different from everyone else´s. I have actually read a book or two (Danish) where somebody was making fun of, or not understanding a person from Århus.
They drink a LOT in Denmark. Alcohol, that is. We´re not allowed to drink when we get there, or we will be sent home on the next plane. In almost every letter Morten has written me, he has expressed his disappointment that we aren´t allowed to drink there. In the last letter, he wrote that “we won´t be able to experience the Danish teenager´s culture, without drinking”! The Danish can buy alcohol when they are 15! And in Danish homes, according to my teacher, red wine is just as commonly drunk with the Sunday steak (f.x.) as coke is here. My mom also told me once that the Danish don´t concider beer as alcohol, and there are beer slot machines in rehab clinics! Not such a good idea when trying to help people give up alcohol!
Anyways. Enough about the Danish´ drinking habits.
QotD: “You don´t seem to mind living in this bubble!” –Kirsten, from The O.C. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:37:-
Saturday, March 06, 2004
Ég er ofboð subbulegur málari. Ég byrjaði að mála nýja herbergið mitt í gær og kláraði í dag, og mér tókst að klína svo mikilli málningu á puttana mína og þurrka í málningarfötin, að ég fékk græna bletti á fæturna og magann, af því að málningin fór í gegn! Ég er búin að eiga bolinn heldur lengi, því að á honum eru minningar um það þegar ég hjálpaði Valla að mála gömlu stofuna sína fyrir um 8 árum (appelsínugult), þegar ég málaði (gamla) herbergið mitt (vínrautt) og svo hvítt eftir eldhúsið á Hallveigarstígnum og grænt eftir n+yja herbergið mitt. Herbergið mitt er semsagt svona eiginlega plöntugrænt. Dökk-plöntugrænt. Það er mjög flott, herbergið var bara hvítt og tilfinningalaust fyrir, en núna er það notalegra, og dimmara, sem mér þykir betra. Mér líður bara betur í dökku herbergi heldur en björtu. Það er eins og enginn fatti það. Þegar ég sýndi mömmu litinn sem mig langaði til að fá, var það fyrsta sem hún sagði: "En þetta er svo dökkt, og svo verður það ennþá dekkra þegar það er komið á vegginn, þú veist það?" JÁ ÉG VEIT ÞAÐ! Þess vegna langar mig í þennan lit, af því að hann er dökkur!!! Glugginn í herberginu er líka risastór, svo að það er ekki eins og það verði endalust myrkur þarna inni. Ef ég hefði verið með ljósari lit, þá hefði ég verið stöðugt með ofbirtu í augunum útaf því hvað það er bjart þarna inni. Fólkið sem bjó þarna áður fékk enga ofbirtu vegna þess að það sást ekki í veggina fyrir hillum og borðum o.s.frv. En svo er líka dulítið ógeðslega flott sem er ekki í herbergjum þeirra mömmu og Björgvins og Matta, en er í mínu: dimmer! Það eru reyndar kastarar í loftinu, og Matti ætlar að fá þá og ég fæ ljósakrónu, en þetta er samt geðveikt kúl. Ég get semsagt bara breytt birtunni í herberginu eftir þörfum. Nema það sé dagur, þá er hvort eð er bjart. Herbergið mitt á eftir að verða ósköp flott!
Jæja, ætla að hafa póstinn í styttra lagi í þetta sinn, jafna aðeins út eftir seinasta póst!
QotD: "Hey, have any of you lot put a man in the cupboard?" -George Harrison, úr Hard day´s Night | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 21:12:-
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Þegar ég var 12 ára byrjaði ég að halda dagbók. En þar sem ég var nú svolítið raunsæ, þá vissi ég að ég myndi ekki nenna að skrifa í hana á hverjum degi, þannig að ég nefndi hana bara Bók, og ég byrjaði hverja færslu á Kæra Bók. Og ég skrifaði að sjálfsögðu ekki á hverjum degi. Það var heldur enginn lás á Bókinni, eins og á hefðbundnum dagbókum. Ég faldi hana alltaf á bak við bækurnar í bókahillunni minni, en svo leið alltaf svo langur tími á milli þess sem ég nennti að skrifa í hana, að ég gleymdi hvar hún væri. Svo einn daginn mundi ég allt í einu hvar hún væri, og ætlaði að finna hana til að rífa út ófáar blaðsíður af þeim aulaskap sem ég hafði útlistað í Bókinni, og vildi eyða svo að enginn myndi nokkurn tímann sjá hve mikill auli ég var, en þegar ég þreifa með hendinni finn ég ekkert. Ég tek út nokkrar bækur til að sjá, og viti menn, Bókin er horfin! Ég varð náttúrulega skíthrædd um að mamma hefði fundið hana, því að hún hafði verið að þrífa herbergið mitt ekki löngu áður. Og ekki skrítið að ég hafi verið hrædd um að mamma hefði fundið hana, því að ég var búin að skrifa marga hluti sem ég var ekki stolt af (ekki um mömmu!) og vildi helst ekki að mamma væri að lesa hana. Og ég þorði ekkert að spyrja hana hvort hún hefði fundið dagbókina mína. Þannig að árum saman lifði ég í hræðslu um að þessi aulalegu leyndarmál mín hefðu komist í annarra manna hendur, sem átti ekki að gerast. Til þess skrifar maður nú dagbók; svo að maður geti komið frá sér hugsunum og tilfinningum, í mínu tilfelli aulaskap, án þess að nokkur þurfi að vita. En. Í dag var ég að hreinsa út úr náttborðinu mínu, til að flokka í sundur allt draslið sem ég ætla að henda og allt draslið sem ég tími ekki að henda, og geeetiði bara hvað liggur þarna, aftast í skápnum: Bók!!! Og ég fór nú nánast að skellihlæja, í allann þennan tíma hafði ég áhyggjur af því hvað varð eiginlega um bókina, og svo sé ég bara að ég hafði fært hana yfir í náttborðið mit!!! Talandi um að vera gleyminn!!! En svo var ég að skoða Bókina, og var hló nú bara allann tímann að þessum aulaskap sem ég hafði verið að rita þarna fyrir fjórum árum. Allgjör snilld, hvað ég var mikill auli. Svo að ég ákvað bara að gera það sama og ég ætlaði að gera þarna um árið þegar ég fann hana ekki, og reif út úr henni næstum helminginn af blaðsíðunum. Ég var sko ekki búin að fylla hana, þannig að ég vildi ekki vera að henda svona miklu magni af ágætis skrifapappír.
En svo var nú ekki bara aulaskapur þarna, heldur líka slatti af ljóðum þarna. Ekki öll góð, en önnur nú alveg ágæt, miðað við að ég samdi þau þegar ég var 12 ára. Svo fann ég reyndar líka þarna í skápnum alveg helling af ljóðum sem ég var búin að prenta út. Í náttborðsskúffunni minni geymdi ég pínulitla 12 blaðsíðna stílabók, sem ég bjó til til að skrifa ljóð í þegar ég var 12 ára, af því af því að ég tímdi ekki að henda henni. Þannig að ég hef komist að niðurstöðu um hvað var að gerast með mig þarna á árunum 1999-2000; I was EXPLODING with creative energy.
That´s the only way to put it.
Ég hef reyndar ekki samið ljóð í ágætis tíma, og ég var satt að segja farin að hafa áhyggjur af því að þessi excessíva ljóðasamning mín hafi bara verið hluti af gelgjuskeiðinu. En svo sá ég allt þetta og hugsaði: Fyrst að ég var svona afkastamikil þá, þá hlýtur að vera e-ð eftir í hugmyndabankanum.
Svo fann ég gamalt bekkjarblað síðan í 7. bekk, og ég sá eitt sprenghlægilegt viðtal við trommara hljómsveitarinnar Tron, og ég held að sá sem skrifaði viðtalið hafi ekkert á móti því þó að ég birti smá hluta þess hér:
“Lengi hafa flestir lifað án þess að hafa heyrt um hver hljómsveitin Tron væri. Tel ég líklega að svipað sé uppi á teningnum meðal bekkjarfélaga minna. Nú ætla ég að reyna að bæta úr því. Hingað er kominn Friðrik trommuleikari Tron.
1. Friðrik hvað heitirðu fullu nafni?
Ég heiti Friðrik Tron.
3. Eru einhverjar plötur í vændum?
4. Hvað finnst þér skemmtilegast að gera?
Að baka drukkinn.
8. Við hvað vinnur þú?
Ég vinn hjá Hróa Hetti. Enginn keyrir út pizzur betur.
9. Er það satt að þú hafir borið ábyrgð á rúðubrotum í Alþingishósinu sumarið 1991?
Já, ég var reiður.
10. Nú fórst þú með Tron á síðasta ári í tónleikaferð til Kópavogs. Var það ekki gaman?
Nei það var afleitt. Síðasta skiptið sem Tron spilar á jólatrésskemmtun.
11. Margir muna eftir mistökunum sem þú gerðir á ykkar fyrsta diski, en þér tókst að missa trommukjupann 45 sinnum í einu lagi og það mun vera heimsmet. Hvernig leið þér eftir það?
Ég var mjög ánægður, ég bætti fyrra metið um 11 skipti.
12. Eitthvað að lokum?
Mig langar til að skila stuðkveðju til allra í Foldó. Tron rules!!!!!!! Peace.”
Jæja. God nok for now.
QotD: “What can I tell you baby? I´ve always been bad.” -Spike, úr BtVS
p.s. til gamans má geta að þessi færsla er 911 orð, miklu lengra en allar ritgerðir sem ég hef samið!
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 20:30:-
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Æ ég ákvað að vera bara heima í dag. Ok. ákvað það ekki beint, heldur snúzaði bara þar til mamma spurði mig hvort ég ætlaði í skólann (þá var klukkan 5 mín. í 8) og bað mig um að slökkva á vekjaraklukkunni. Ég er nefnilega með svona digital klukku, sem er mjög góð því að pípið er svo pirrandi, það er ekki einu sinni píp, heldur svona væl sem spilar London Bridge is Falling Down endalaust, þar til að maður annaðhvort slekkur eða snúzar. Þannig að það er ekki oft sem ég sef yfir mig. Það kemur samt ekki í veg fyrir að ég mæti hálfri mínútu áður eða eftir að kennarinn kemur í stofuna. Sem betur fer er næstum aldrei búið að lesa upp þegar ég kem. Skrítið að hugsa til þess að þegar ég var í Hagaskóla, þá var ég alltaf ein af þeim fyrstu sem kom í skólann á morgnana. Satt að segja man ég ennþá eftir eina skiðtinu sem ég kom of seint í fyrra; það var í stærðfræðitíma og ég var í svörtu þykku dúnúlpunni minni, svo að mér var ógeðslega heitt. Svo man ég í áttunda bekk þegar ég var í dönsku og ensku hjá Jónu Hansen, og einn daginn mætti ég, as always, fyrst á svæðið, en svo þegar Jóna var komin og flestir aðrir líka, þá fattaði ég að ég hafði gleymt töskunni minni frammi á gangi. Ég sat alveg við hurðina, og ég stökk bara út og náði í töskuna, en svo komu einhverjir stríðnispúkar og lokuðu hurðinni á mig, sem var náttúrulega í lás, og ég bankaði, en Jóna hafði þann sið að þeir sem kæmu eftir að hurðinni væri lokað, fengju seint. Svo að ég stóð þarna fyrir utan með þeim sem komu of seint, á meðan ég heyrði Jónu lesa upp, og svo þegar ég komst loks inn reyndi ég að segja Jónu að ég væri löngu komin og hefði bara vera að ná í töskuna mína, en hún vildi ekki hlusta og gaf mér bara seint. Það fannst mér pirrandi. En þetta var líka eini punkturinn sem ég fæekk þetta ár (maður fékk punkta ef maður kom of seint eða skrópaði), svo að ég lifði. Hehe.
Ég var semsagt heima í dag, og hafði nú nóg að gera. Ég byrjaði á Min ven Thomas, sem við tökum próf í eftir 19 daga, í gær, og kláraði hana í dag. Ég var nánast hágrátandi þegar ég las seinasta kaflann, hann var svo sorglegur (sorry að ég spillti fyrir ykkur, but...). Ég held að ég selji þessa bók ekki á skiptibókamarkaðnum í haust, ég væri alveg til í að lesa hana afur e-n tímann.
Svo varð ég svolítið eirðarlaus, og ákvað að halda bara áfram að pakka. Ég kláraði bækurnar, á bara skólabækurnar eftir (af bókunum, þ.e.) en þær fara líklega bara seinast, í skólatöskunni. Svo pakkaði ég römmuðu myndunum mínum (=Möngunni minni, ramma með fullt af gömlum afmæliskortum sem ég raðaði flott saman, og litlum ramma sem ég fékk eitt sinn í jólagjöf, en tók aldrei myndina sem var upphaflega í honum úr) og 2 af konfektskössunum mínum, sem ég er að safna. Ég á fjóra, hef fengið svona 470 gr. kassa af Nóa konfekti frá Haddý ömmu og Jóa afa í jólagjöf síðan 1999, en fékk engann seinustu jól. Ég var pínu skúffuð yfir því en ég fékk líka þessa gegt flottu og þægilegu flíspeysu frá þeim, sem ég er satt að segja í einmitt núna. En ef einhverju ykkar dettur í hug að gefa mér jólagjöf næstu jól, þá væri 470 gr. kassi af Nóa konfekti vel þeginn!
Jæja, ætli ég verði ekki að hætta núna, ykkur er örugglega orðið illt í augunum!
QotD: "See! A little sugar and I´m all yours." -Buffy
p.s. mér þætti gaman að vita hver mr.gun væri. ef e-r hefur upplýsingar um hver þessi mr.gun er, þá vinsamlegast kommentið. takktakk. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:06:-
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
jújú, ég er í fínu lagi...*a..a...a...atsjú*
Feeling crappy.
Yup, ég fór ekki í skólann í dag. Og eins gott að ég gerði það ekki, því að fyrir um 3 tímum mældi ég mig og ég er með 39,1°C hita.
Hugsið ykkur bara hvernig mér liði ef ég hefði farið í skólann! Ég er heldur ekki viss um að ég verði nógu hress til að fara í skólann á morgun. Sem er fínt, því að ég á að flytja kjörbókarfyrirlestur í íslensku á morgun, og ég er bara komin með um 3 1/2 mín., og hann á að vera um 10 mín. En mér finnst eiginlega að það sé ekki hægt að segja frá Ungfrú Nóru, sem er barnabók btw, mikið lengur en 3 1/2 mín. Þannig ætli það verði ekki bara að duga. Það verður bara að hafa það. Ég þarf bara að semja flott lokaorð. Einhverjar tillögur???
Fór á Hallveigarstíginn (nr.6A, ég er sko að fara að flytja þangað bráðum) og sá hvernig herbergið mitt lítur út tómt. Seinast þegar ég sá það sást hvorki í gólf né veggi (smá ýking...) fyrir drasli. En fólkið sem bjó þarna er flutt út og við erum búin að fá íbúðina afhenda. Ég varð svo spennt fyrir því að flytja að ég pakkaði bókum í 3 kassa í gær (þeir eru ekki mjög stórir, but...), og ég á ennþá eftir um tvær hillur. Til gamans má geta að það eru 4 hillur í samstæðunni minni, sem er frekar lág, því að herbergið mitt er undir súð og stærri gerðin kemst ekki fyrir. Þetta eru svona IKEAhillur, nárar tiltekið Lundi. Ég ætla bara að hafa þær undir glugganum í nýja herberginu mínu. Ég hlakka svo til að flytja!!! En ég þarf bara að sparsla í naglagöt og sprungur í veggnum, mála og svo pússa gólfið með e-i vél og svo bera olíu á það (ég geri það síðast-og næstsíðastnefnda líklega ekki sjálf) áður en ég get byrjað að flytja inn. Svo skemmtilega vill til að sama dag og við ætlum að flytja, verð ég á kóramóti. Það er reyndar bara einn dag, en ætli ég verði ekki bara að vera búin að koma kössunum mínum og svoleiðis á Hallveigarstíginn fyrir það. Þetta er semsagt þarnæstu helgi, svo að ég hef takmarkaðan tíma til að gera herbergið mitt upp. Ég býst við því að ég geri þetta bara eftir skóla. Það er líka heppilegt að skólinn er c.a. 1 1/2 mín. frá Hallveigarstígnum! Það eru 10-15 mín. úr skólanum og hingað. Þannig að það verður betra.
Var að horfa á nýja þáttinn á RÚV, Everwood. Rosalega corny og fyrirsjáanleg sápuópera. En ég býst við því að ég eigi eftir að fylgjast með þessu. Ég er svolítið skrítin þannig; ég get alveg horft á svona þætti sem ég get fundið helling að. Þetta er alveg dæmigerður farsi: mamman deyr, og pabbinn, sem er heimsfrægur heilaskurðlæknir, ákveður að flytja með krakkana sína; 8 ára stelpu og strák sem er á gelgjuskeiðinu, ég giska á að hann sé svona 14-15; til krummaskuðs í Colorado (9000 íbúar, ekki krummaskuð á íslenskum mælikvarða...) sem heitir Everwood, og þar er bara einn læknir. 1 læknir á 9000 íbúa-á Ísó búa c.a. 4000 manns, og þar er heill spítali! Anyways. Pabbinn ákveður að opna læknastofu í gömlu járnbrautarstöðvarhúsi, sem er beint á móti stofu hins læknisins. Hinn læknirinn er rosalega leiðinlegur og alveg týpískur "sápuóperu-vondi kall". Stelpan vingast við bílstjóra skólabísins og strákurinn verður ástfanginn af dóttur hins læknisins. Búinn að þekkja hana í nokkra daga, og búmm, ást! Fáránlegt. Þetta er svooo týpískur farsi.
En ég ætla að horfa á þáttinn. Hehe. Þvílíkur hræsnari sem ég er.
Ég er ennþá skúffuð yfir því að enginn nennir að skamma mig, eða blessa, fyrir að ég sé að verða trúleysingi! I´m turning into an atheist, and NO ONE cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!
QotD: "I was feeling kind of... what´s the medical term? Crappy." -Joyce, mamma Buffyar | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:10:-
Monday, March 01, 2004
Too late, time´s up!
Of seint að láta í ljós ánægju sína á gamla skinninu, því að nú er komið nýtt, og mér finnst það sko geeeðveikt flott!
Hvað finnst ykkur? | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 17:40:-
Jæja þá er ég orðin almennilega veik, og ef ég væri ekki svona góður nemandi þá hefði ég ekki farið í skólann í morgun. En ég er a.m.k. ekki í standi til að syngja, hvað þá að labba niður í kirkju, þannig að ég ætla að sleppa kóræfingunni. Geri ráð fyrir að Marteinn tali e-ð meira um kóramótið á miðvikudaginn (hann var búinn að segja að hann ætlaði að tala um það í dag). Kannski verð ég orðin nógu hress þá til að drösla mér á æfingu.
Er búin að vera að reyna að "customize"-a eitt af flottu bloggskinnunum sem ég "download"-aði í gær. So far hefur það ekki gengið alveg nógu vel. En ég læt það ekki stoppa mig. Þetta var hvort sem er ekkert hrikalega flott skinn. Ég er einmitt núna að leita að fleiri skinnum. Spurning: Finnst ykkur að ég ætti að vera að því yfirleitt að finna nýtt skinn, eða er þetta orðið lúið og þarf nýtt?
Og hvað er þetta, hefur enginn skoðun á trúleysi mínu? Og þessum Jesú-pælingum hér í póstinum fyrir þarþarneðan?
QotD: "Chatter on son, chatter on." -Norm, úr Hard Day´s Night | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 15:36:-