About Me
age: 21
location: Reykjavík, Iceland
nationality: Icelandic
msn: trinagunnars (at) hotmail (dot) com
reading: Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen. Old Arcadia, by Sir Philip Sidney.
listening to: My iPod
watching: Buffy DVDs, How I Met Your Mother and Gossssssip Girl
likes: sleep, Pepsi Max, YAs by Meg Cabot, TV and my late cat, Joakim
dislikes: Techno, math, fish
Aldís María
Meg Cabot
Sigrun Ugla
Mummy dearest
Júlía Ara
Frog Prince
Birna Kristín
Anna Margrét
Other links
blogger.com profile
Pictures/myndir 2005
Pictures/myndir 2005-2007 (Scotland)
Poet Katrin
Gavin DeGraw
My Bible
Meg Cabot official website
See This Movie
He with whom I compare all persons of the opposite sex
Officially a fan
My old high school
My old college
The Uni Choir
Uni Choir chat
Reykjavík weather
Old Stuff
November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 July 2010 October 2010 March 2011
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
She´s baack!
Well, my computer (from now on referred to as "she") is finally back! And, she´s working! She has been a real bug the last months, and I´ve just been haunting my mom´s computer. But now Björgvin has fixed her, and even the internet is working smoothly. I am ecstatic; now I can surf the web, listen to music and watch tv! All at the same time!
Wnt to the Deep Purple concert last Thursday. I was so tired, having been standing by a conveyor belt aranging fish filets for ten hours, almost non-stop. That wasn´t fun. I only went to the concert because my uncle had an extra ticket. I was too tired to enjoy it, and after about two hours (1/2 hour of the warm-up band (?), 1/ an hour waiting for Deep Purple and 1 hour of Deep Purple) I could barely stand, so I just went to the bathroom and sat on a toilet (with the seat down) for the rest of the concert. I could hear the music jsut as well there! The concert was over at about 11, but I didn´t get home until more than an hour later, because we had to drop off a few friends of my uncle´s family. We were 8 in a 5 seat jeep. Actually, it´s a 7 seat jeep, but my uncle had taken out the 2 seats in the trunk. Wanna know how we all fit in there? My uncle and his were in the front seats. Me and two other men were in the back seat; me in the middle. Then there was a woman lying on top of us, and a boy, 10-11, I think, crouching in the corner behind my uncle´s wife´s seat. And to top it all off, my cousin, who´s a year younger than me, was lying in the trunk. It took us a long time to get out of the parking lot by the concert building, and there were cops all over the place. The boy had to stay as low as possible and my cousin had to pull the "lid" over the trunk, so the cops wouldn´t see him. When he would say something, we wouldd say "(be quiet! Corps don´t talk!") That was funny. Thankfully, we got out of the area without being busted. If the cops had seen us, my uncle would probably have gotten a huge ticket. I was dead tired when I got home, and I was like a ghost at work on Friday. I was so relieved when I was moved to the chopping machine (not put in it, but lining the filets into it!). Because I probably would have ahd to be until 18:00 if I would still have been on the conveyor belt. And that would have sucked.
My dad, his wife and my half-brother were in town last week, and I went to visit them on Tuesday night. Dad burned 3 CDs for me; he has a burner in his computer, and he has lots and lots of songs in it. He burned 2 Beatles CDs for me, and The Darkness; Permission To Land. It´s a good CD. I´m listening to it right now.
Well, it´s late, and I can´t remember anything interesting that has happened since I last posted.
So goodnight.
QotD: "I feel you´re never more alive than when you´re faced to simulated death." -Kelly Ernsweiler (m) from The Battle of Shaker Heights | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:09:-
Monday, June 21, 2004
Cat and Mouse
First things first: My e-mail is back! It works! It is trina@visir.is, not that it matters, like I ever get any good letters. Just junk mail from something I logged in on a few years ago and don´t know how to inactivate it (or whatever it´s called).
And now to the good stuff.
The last few days, my bedroom has smelled like the trash can. I thought it was just from the old apples and banana peels that were all over my room (lazy me, don´t even bother to throw that away!). But then I finally took out the trash, but, alas, the smell did´t go away, in fact it got worse. Today it had started spreading all over the house, so mom told me to clean my room, and scrub every inch of it, till I found the source of the nasty odour. And I did as mom said, and when I pulled my bed forward to wash the floor under it, the source of the stink was revealed to me. I shrieked, ran out of the room terrified, and went and asked Björgvin to throw it away. I did not want to look at it again.
Oh, of course. I haven´t told you what it was. Well, it was a dead mouse. Seems like my cat went a little overboard with the jealousy thing; I was babysitting Sigrún Ugla on Saturday, and Jóakim was shocked to see that I, too, was turning all my attention to the baby. And what does he do? Goes out of his way to impress me, in a cat way, and gets me A MOUSE! And forgot to tell (or meow) me that he planted that present under my bed!!!!!!!!!
Anyways. My bedroom is now shiny and clean, and almost stink-free.
I saw four movies over the weekend; The Quiet American (on Friday night actually, but that counts, right?); a movie based on a novel by (....), starring Michael Caine and Brendan Fraser. Horrible movie, in my opinion. Then, og Saturday, I rented Holes and Life WIthout Dick, myself. Holes was great, watched it even again on Sunday (that guy who plays "Caveman" is so cute, his curls are so adorable, I kept wanting to reach into the TV and touch them...!). Life Without Dick was kind of stupid, unrealistic and not really funny. But I guess it was suppeosed to be like that. Sarah Jessica Parker played one of the main characters, and gosh does her screechy voice bother m! Anyways, on Sunday I went to the mall (Kringlan, that is) saw Mean Girls. It was ok. I went at 12 p.m., because the tickets were 50% cheaper. I took the bus, and when I went out, there were actually a lot of people there. Downtown, I mean. Tourists, of course. No sane Icelander goes downtown at 11:30 on a Sunday morning! Which brings me to another thing, that I find extremely amusing; tourists. There are a lot of them here now, and they´re easily recognizeable; the are almost without exeptions wearing an anorak, khaki shorts, with huge cameras around their necks and holding a street map of Reykjavík. Hilarious. On Saturday, when I was babysitting Sigrún Ugla, I went for a walk with her (she alseep in her pram, obviously), walked up Laugavegur (the main shopping street), and just, for fun, I counted the tourists I saw. Can you guess the number??? Think, don´t look at the sreen, and then scroll down and see if you were right!
Crazy, right? I mean, I don´t get it. Why would anyone want to visit Iceland? Sure, the landscape is beautiful, the water is pure, and there is even A hot spring, where people bathe (notice the A; many people seem to think that we walk around and diving into a hot spring if we feel like it). But the fact is, that probably 85% of the people that vistit the Blue Lagoon, are tourists, and the rest are people that live nearby!
Well, enough for now!
QotD: "We´re not the mafia! We´re Irish!" -from the horrible movie Life Without Dick | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:09:-
Saturday, June 19, 2004
SO, how d´yall like my new look? I absolutely love it. Changed the colors and font all by myself!
The day before yesterday (17 June) was the Icelandic independence day. I think there´s another word for it in English, but I can´t remember it, and you get what I mean, right? Anyways, I went downtown with mom, Björgvin and Sigrún Ugla. It was the 60th anniversary of the republic (of Iceland), so there were a lot more people downtown than usually on June 17th. Some thousands, I guess. There was something going on on every corner, and I saw loads of tourists going ballistic with their cameras. It was amazing, that Sigrún Ugla was sound asleep the whole time, despite all the noise. Austurstræti ("East Street") was lined with tents where people were selling the traditional independence day stuff; candy floss, flags, plastic trumpets and gas balloons. And for some reason there were people from the University of Iceland selling Domino´s pizzas; understandably, they didn´t get much business, one can get pizzas anytime, but there are only few days a year when one can get candy floss! Of course I got candy floss. I absolutely love it; in fact, I regret that I only had one. It will be a while till I get the chance to get it again. Since I live right in the city center, I didn´t have to go outside to listen to the outside concert in the evening; I could just open my window, and voila! Music! But I didn´t bother, there weren´t any bands I like playing there (actually, there isn´t any Icelandic band that I like, that I can remember), so I decided to go to bed early, had to go to work the morning after, and all that. And I would probably have gotten a good night sleep, if I hadn´t decided to check my mail right before I went to bed. It turned out that the website, whose free e-mail service I used to use, had been updated, and I couldn´t sign in. SO frustrating! I tried abot ten times, and then I decided to try and create a new account there, just to see is it would work. And it did! But I still couldn´t log in on my e-mail, and I was veryvery annoyed when I went to bed, at about 0:30. I could barely sleep that night, though not because of this, but because of my cat, Jóakim. He´s been kind of desperate for attention for the last couple of weeks. I think he might finally be realizing, that he isn´t the youngest in the house anymore (well, he is older than my brother, but that barely counts), and is getting a bit jealous. But he´ll get over it.
Anyways, just half an hour ago or so, I created a new e-mail account, which is btw so much cooler than trina@visir.is; froken_fix@yahoo.com. Cool, eh?
Until later, bye!
QotD: "Walking with dead people is not my thing." -Mrs. Kim, from the Gilmore Girls | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 01:04:-
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Prepare to read fast...
...because I´m writing this fast. Went to see HP,PoA last Sunday, it was better than the first two put together, but still just not good enough. I agree with most of what all the critics have said about this movie, and I´m sure you´ve all read or heard about it, so I won´t bother repeating it. Got my first paycheck (or rather a letter saying that money had been put in my bank account)on Thursday; 26935 Icelandic Crowns (krónur) (about $369 or 205 pounds). So I went shopping and bought the Rooney CD on Friday and on Saturday I went to Vero Moda, my favorite store, and bought jeans. I also got a copy of the picture of the Scots we met in Copenhagen; I had given the first copy to the girl that picture had been taken for. It went like this: We were walking down Köbmagergade, which is one of the main shopping streets in Copenhagen, when we walked past three Scots wearing kilts and football shirts (football=soccer), and we thought of this girl in our class, that loves all things Scottish, but wasn´t with us, so we decided to run after them and they let my friend take a picture of them, on my camera. It was such a cool picture, that I just had to have my own copy. Then when I move to Scotland I can show all the people I meet there (meet, as in become friends with, not some random people I meet out on the street) this picture.
I just discovered (well, read in a magazine) why the guy who plays Andy on Everwood, Treat Williams, looked so familiar. He´s the same guy that played Berger in Hair!
Another thing I realized, is that god spelled backwards is dog. Does that tell you something?
Think about it. In the meantime, be amused by the funnyness of the QotD!
QotD: "Come on then, let´s not wait for the grass to grow." -Stan Shunpike, from HP,PoA (the movie) | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:47:-
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Slice and dice!
So I had a little accident today. I was at work (at the fish factory, Grandi) slicing the bones from fish filets, like I have been doing for the past week from 7:55-16:10, when my knife slipped a bit and I cut a little closer to my finger than intended; so close that I sliced a bit of skin off the tip of my left index finger! It wasn´t much, but it still hurt like hell (for a while, at least) and the bleeding wouldn´t stop. Right after I cut this little part of myself off, I went and put a bandaid on the wound, put on a new pair of disposable latex gloves and went back to work. Then, a couple of minutes later I noticed a dark stain spreading under the glove from my fingertip, and when the stain had spread to my thumb, middle finger and ring finger, I decided it ws time to get a new bandaid. When I came to the cupboard where the bandaids are kept, a few old ladies (one at a time. there are a lot of old ladies that work there) rushed up to me and took a look at the wound, told me to wash it and that the supervisor was coming to help me with it (the wound, that is). Then he came and wrapped my finger in a bandaid and lots of some tape that is used for this kind of things. So I went back to start working agin, but then I saw that the wound was bleeding through the bandaid, so I had to go back, again! Another supervisor (this one a woman) and another old lady came to me and they disinfected the wound, pinched it together and then put some special kind of bandaid and tape around the fingertip. Of course I had my eyes diverted from my hand; I´d seen enough blood by then. I was actually feeling kind of dizzy, and if I hand´t known that I hadn´t lost that much blood, I think I might have fainted. I felt a lot better after that treatment and it dind´t start bleeding through the bandaid (and not as much) until just before I left. I just wrapped my finger in a lot of tissue and when I got home I fixed the bandages.
Until later,
QotD: "Red Foreman, I firmly believe that God wants me to bake a potato in 4 minutes." -Kitty, from That 70´s Show | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 18:10:-
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Ho hum, pig´s bum
Oh bummer. I am so tired, but still, here I am, at 1:47 a.m., writing on this wretched (sp?) blog of mine. I´ve been reading Louise Rennison´s books about Georgia Nicolson, I bought no.2 in the series on Monday (went to the bookstore on my birthday; my idea of a good time! Altough I went at about 21:30.) and bought it then, and on Friday, on the way home from work, I stopped by at the bookstore again and bought no. 3 and 4. I´ve already finished no.2 (it´s called "On the Bright Side, I´m Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God") and started reading no.3 ("Knocked Out by my Nonga-Nongas").
Well, must go to sleep.
QotD: "That man was born to end lives." -some important guy from Troy (the movie), talking about Achilles | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 02:36:-
Thursday, June 03, 2004
I´m tired, so I´ll make this quick.
Turned seventeen on Monday, started working in the fish factory yesterday and worked from 9:30 AM to 7 PM. Today I worked from 7:55 AM to 4:10 PM.
Still can´t get the smell off my hands, and I´m too tired to shower.
Ooops. Forget that last comment.
QotD: "I´m gonna make magic happen, I feel like my hair´s working for me tonight." -Seth, from The O.C. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:12:-