About Me
age: 21
location: Reykjavík, Iceland
nationality: Icelandic
msn: trinagunnars (at) hotmail (dot) com
reading: Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen. Old Arcadia, by Sir Philip Sidney.
listening to: My iPod
watching: Buffy DVDs, How I Met Your Mother and Gossssssip Girl
likes: sleep, Pepsi Max, YAs by Meg Cabot, TV and my late cat, Joakim
dislikes: Techno, math, fish
Aldís María
Meg Cabot
Sigrun Ugla
Mummy dearest
Júlía Ara
Frog Prince
Birna Kristín
Anna Margrét
Other links
blogger.com profile
Pictures/myndir 2005
Pictures/myndir 2005-2007 (Scotland)
Poet Katrin
Gavin DeGraw
My Bible
Meg Cabot official website
See This Movie
He with whom I compare all persons of the opposite sex
Officially a fan
My old high school
My old college
The Uni Choir
Uni Choir chat
Reykjavík weather
Old Stuff
November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 July 2010 October 2010 March 2011
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Look at question 13. in this Q&A! I think I might have a little bit in common with my fave author!
Also, you must have a look at this. I am so lucky that my parents aren´t this paranoid!!! This is also very... uhm, I don´t even know what to call it. Although I like to think of myself as a very non-prejudiced person, this just seems sick to me. How can sane people be this paranoid and prejudiced?????
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:54:-
Pray Tell!
Ok. I couldn´t resist. So I chose this title. Just changed the "blog description" a little. I think it´s übercool. What do you think? Pray tell!
Or pray comment.
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:36:-
I wear the cheese
In a desperate attempt to try to get more comments, I have decided it´s time to change the name of my blog. I would greatly appreciate if you would comment to tell me which one of the names I´m thinking of, would fit best. I´m also open to suggestions.
You who read this on a regular basis (if you do that) must already know how mad I am, and that English is not my first language, and that I don´t care if people think I´m mad. And letting the WORLD know that (iocus, heehee) is out of the way now. And I am full of ideas for names. Just look at how many suggestions I made for my sister´s name. Before she was born, that is. Pantaleon (for those not shrewd enough to notice: that´s my URL) was one of the suggestions, apparantely there was some guy in Iceland a few centuries ago who was called Pantaleon. I just thought it was funny. Anyways. Here are my suggestions for a new name for my blog. Right here. Any time now. *Whistlewhistle*. Here they are. In just a sec.
OK. How about:
You think your days are un-eventful...*: Just wait until you´ve read about mine!
(*: like in the song She Has No Time (Keane))
She goes her own way... *: And which way is that?
(*: same song. my fave song, in fact)
Still Waiting : And will be for a good while
Behind Locked Doors : No, not really. I´m not allowed to lock myself in alone, not even in the bathroom. Don´t ask.
Stuff and Bother! *: Lots of stuff to do but I never bother
(*: Lady Victoria (in Victoria and the Rouge)´s swear-words of choice)
I walk. I talk. I shop. I sneeze... *: (And) I´m gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back
(*: A quote from BtVS)
I've made a little space for the cheese slices....* : ...even though I don´t eat cheese (unless it´s melted)
(*: Another quote from BtVS)
None of these is very cool, but they´re all I can think of right now. The quotes from BtVS are kind of, though. But I need more suggestions.
Help, please!
QotD: Anya: "But I have their money. Who cares what kind of day they have?"
Xander: "No one. It's just a long cultural tradition of raging insincerity. Embrace." - From BtVS
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 17:15:-
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
My inner demon takes over
Today I kinda felt like I was in a cartoon (or a comic book. whatever). At least at about 4 p.m.
I was in the bookstore (surprise surprise). I was standing in front of the shelves where books by Meg Cabot are. I ran my eyes over the titles. "This one I have, this one too, also this one..." I thought. But oh. There are two books that I don´t have. Hmm. Should I buy them? Because then I would be two books closer to my goal (to own all books by Meg Cabot). Then it was like this little cartoon angel appeared on my left shoulder. "No, Katrín. Don´t. You don´t love that book. And you don´t know if you will love the other one. You should spend your money more sensibly. Be responsible, Katrín," the angel whispered in my left ear. I concidered this. Seemed like good advice. But oh, wait! The cartoonist wasn´t done yet! This time, my little inner red demon made its presence known on my right shoulder. "Katrín!" It shouted into my right ear. "Don´t listen to that Gabriel-wannabe! You know what you want. Don´t deny yourself the pleasure of buying stuff that you want! You can afford it! You knoooow you want it! You knooow you´ll buy these books someday, why not now? Do it, Katrín, do it!" The angel tried to object: "But.... but... but you can´t! You need to save your money! You don´t need to have these books. Who cares if your collection won´t be complete?" But the angel realized that its argument was doomed from the beginning. Of course the demon was right. Who am I to deny myself the things I need to accomplish my goal?
So of course I bought the books: Nicola and the Viscount, and Victoria and the Rouge.
Today was the first day of school. I don´t want to describe the whole day, as it would very probably not interest you very much. In short: the history teacher speaks unnaturally clearly, the math teacher looks funny (not weird funny, just funny) and didn´t really understand what I meant when I asked him if he could solve a more complicated problem on the blackboard to explain what the h3ll he was talking about (I wrote a poem about my hatred towards algebra), the Latin teacher is very relaxed, the English teacher seemed a little better than the one who taught me last (school)year, and this one, Sigríður, is the other one´s, Anna, older sister (Sigríður even looks younger!). I should also mention that none of these teachers has taught me before. I think that the P.E. teacher is the same one, but I don´t have P.E. until Tuesday. Oh, and did I mention that first period, at 8:10, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays I have my least favorite subject, math (it used to be chemistry, but thank God, I´m done with that). And first period on Thursdays I have my second least favorite subject: P.E. But there is a bright side to all this. Yes, I know, it´s hard to see. But really, since math and P.E. are first period, then I´m done with them for the day. So that´s the bright side.
Anyways. It´s getting late. Must stop writing and start watching Jay Leno.
QotD: "Isn´t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?" -from The Hitch-Hiker´s Guide to the Galaxy
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:56:-
Monday, August 23, 2004
 Sigrún Ugla only 1 day old! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:39:-
Once upon a time...
...there was a pair of jeans. Someone´s fave pair of jeans, in fact. Well, one of the three that someone owned. I suppose it´s ok now to say that that someone goes by the name Katrín. Anyways. Katrín bought those jeans on a sale in Hagkaup 15 months ago, and sad started to care very much about those jeans, since they had lasted so long. But there was a problem. See, the denim fabric from which these jeans were made, was a little thin. And after such a long time, the fabric in the "ehemm"-area was getting thinner an thinner. And less than a week ago, the fabric gave up. Too much useage. So as a hint for me to stop using those jeans, a little hole appeared in the "ehemm"-area. Everytime the foot was lifted, to tie a shoe lace, for example, the hole got bigger. But Katrín didn´t give up. Oh no. She thought, this hole isn´t that big, yet, it doesn´t show or anything, so why not use the jeans for a little longer? But the hole kept getting bigger. Finally, when Katrín decided to just let the jeans win, and buy new ones (which she did, by the way), the hole had turned into a long rip just under the left buttock. It might even have been cool, if it didn´t start in the "ehemm"-area. So that´s it for the comfy jeans. There won´t be a memorial service, but pretend flowers (*lilies*, for example) would be greatly appreaciated.
Moving on.
As those of you who have been reading my blog for the past couple of months know, I´m quite rich. For a 17-year-old. And I try and try my best to spend my money. Just last week I spent more than 22000 isk. kr. (sth like $314) on textbooks for school. Those bloody bookstores. Trying to squeeze every penny out of the poor students. Kidding. Or not. I may be able to afford the books, but that doesn´t mean I like how much they cost. Oh no. Particularly concidering that I will very probably not get as much for them on the book exchange market next year (in August, all the bookstores have these markets where students can buy used textbooks for their old textbooks. for most of them, at least).
But I am in fact a regular customer at the bookstores downtown. Since last year, exactly a year even, I´ve bought 21 books for my own money. Soon they will be 24. And guess what. 11 (almost 12) of these books are by my favorite author: Meg Cabot. Shall I list those books? (After that list I ´ve written sth that might very possibly bore you to death. Continue at your own risk).
Oh ok then, if you insist.
1-5. the Princess Diaries series
6-7. two small books; The Princess Diaries: Princess Files, and The Princess Diaries: Guide to Life (British versions)
8. All-American Girl
9. Teen Idol
10. Boy Meets Girl
11. The Mediator vol.1: Love You To Death (previously published as Shadowland, under the authorname Jenny Carroll).
My goal is to own the whole Meg Cabot collection. All of her books. Also the ones she originally published under the names Meggin Cabot, Patricia Cabot and Jenny Carroll. I have yet to read many of them, but besides the books I own I have read all the Mediator-books. They are amazing, and are now being published under her real name, and as soon as I see the next book in a bookstore, I will buy it. I have neither seen the 1800-Where-R-You - series in the library nor the bookstores, so obviously I haven´t read them yet. But I tooootally plan on reading and buying them. The only book I´ve read by Meg cabot that I didn´t looooove, was Nicola and the Viscount. Another book that Meg has written that is (I think) a lot like that one, is Victoria and the Rouge, but I haven´t read it. Both of these books are available at the bookstores, but I´m not sure wheter to buy them or not. Someday I will, as my collection will not be complete without them, but should I buy them now?
Sorry if I´m boring you.
Time to go to bed. After all it is the first day of school tomorrow (sort of, classes don´t start until Tuesday).
QotD: "If you´re gonna have your head split open, it might as well be while you´re riding a wave, dude," -Jake, from The Mediator vol. 1.
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:28:-
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Photo albums
I made a few photo albums on webshots.com, and here´s the URL. Enjoy.
Sigrún Ugla in her car seat... only 5 days old!
QotD: "Your definition of narrow is impressively wide," -Buffy, from BtVS.
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 18:51:-
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Ms. Scratching Post
Back from the wild! A.k.a.; summer house equipped with everything people on vacation need nowadays; fridge, hot tub and a TV. Not to mention the bathroom.
I am both fascinated and disgusted by the Icelandic summer house traditional interior design. Really, when you build a summer hous, all you need is loads of wood and ugly mottled fabric. Line the wall, ceiling and floor with the wood, and cover the windows (you´ll need glass for them, obviously) with the ugly mottled fabric. So there. It´s amazing that people actually want to own this kind of house. I guess it´s ok to rent ine for a weekend or a week; you get used to it after a while. We didn´t even spend the whole time in the house; just evenings, nights, and mornings. During the day we drove to some interesting places (ahem.), like Gullfoss and Geysir (non-Icelander(s): the "ey" in Geysir is not pronounced like "eye", but like the "a" in "age". just wanted to let you know. when I move to Scotland I´m going to maki it my mission to tell people about this.), and the ruins of the farm Stöng and the farm that was built like they think Stöng looked like originally. When we went to see Gullfoss and Geysir, I made a lousy attempt to count all the Icelanders I saw. I kept losing count, because I saw very very few of them. Maybe 8. But there were LOTS of tourists there. Sometime this summer I decided to start collecting Icelandic souvenirs. I´ve already got a pen, a t-shirt and two postcards. Then I went to the souvenir shop at Geysir, and bought another pen, a bookmark, a postcard and a little seal (not a real one!). When I went to pay, I gave the man the things I was buying before I gave him my debet card, and guess what! He told me how much it cost in English! Then I gave him my card, and he looked a little surprised: "You´re from Iceland?" And I said: "Yea, I just like to buy souvenirs!"
Anyways. We stayed a week in the summer house, and lucky for us, Tuesday and Wednesday were the hottest days in the history of Iceland. At leas since they started measuring the temperature here in the 60´s (I think). I got a bit red; I don´t get a tan; I get red. My skin is so pale, that if I spend some time in the sun, I get red, then the red fades away after a while (a week or two), and I look like a ghost again.
When the sun came, the flies followed. Like flies usually are, they were extremely obnoxious, and it was in fact only my tiny room that didn´t attract the flies, mostly because the lights were always turned off, I had the window open and the curtains closed, so it was kind of cold in there. In the end a matress had to be put on the floor beside my bed for my brother Matti, so we could all sleep. He couldn´t sleep because of the flies, and if he can´t sleep, he thinks it is only appropriate to wake someone else up to complain about it. You must understand that I was extremely tolerant to put up with Matti sleeping in the same room with me.
Well, we came back on Friday, and in the evening my mom and I attacked the cat (you might know him as Jóakim) with a bottle of flea shampoo. Björgvin thought it was to late to start trying to do some "male bonding", so mom and I, who have known Jóakim for 12 years, had to do this. If you have ever had to bathe a cat, you might know what this is like. We had to hold him really thight, with a loose but firm grip around his neck, to try to keep him as close as possible to still, in the shower, wet him a bit with luke warm water, and then, without loosening the grip, because at this point he is getting a bit more desperate to get away; rub the shampoo into his fur until he started wailing like a maniac (this did not say on the bottle). Then after holding him for about five minutes, we had to wash the shampoo out of the fur. No need to say, he was not at all content woth this. In fact, he got so furiated, that he bit me. Twice. Both times really hurt, but I was wearing thick rubber gloves and I couldn´t see a hole on them, so I didn´t think my skin was pierced. Boy was I wrong. When mom and I had finally got Jóakim out of the shower and were drying him with a towel (he calmed down then), mom suggested that I take off the glove to see if there was any blood. So I did, and guess what I see? A sight that reminded me very much of the time I sliced a bit off my fingertip at work; the inside of the glove was covered in blood (sounds strange: inside covered), and on the middle of my left index finger is a deep puncture, and right on the other side of the finger a matching one.
My left index finger is now some kind of a souvenirof the summer of ´04.
Well, it is well past midnight, so I think I´ll let my sister have the last wird (almost!).
Sigrún Ugla smiling just for her big sister!
QotD: "They´ve got as much sex appeal as a road accident," -Ford Prefect, from The Hitch HIker´s Guide To The Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:58:-
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Pictures of my sister!
Here are pictures of Sigrún Ugla!
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:20:-
Last day of work today! I am so happy!
I thought you might like to see what my adorable sister, Sigrún Ugla, looks like, so here´s a picture that was taken of her on the day of her babtism three weeks and four days ago. She´s wearing the same dress that I wore when I was babtized. My grandma Kata crocheted it before my Aunt Auður Lilja was born 26 years ago. It is such a cute dress. To see more pictures from Sigrún Ugla´s babtism, click here.
Isn´t she adorable?!?!? She looks soooo cute when she smiles! It´s so weird that she´s got red hair and blue eyes, because both her parents are brunettes with dark eyes. But she looks beautiful.
No posts to be expected the next week; I´m going to a summer house tomorrow, and will be there for a week. So I picked the QotD very carefully, so you can enjoy it for a long time!
QotD: "Beer, the Bible, and the seven deadly virtues have made our England what she is." -Lord Henry, from The Picture of Dorian Gray (yes, England is referred to as she)
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:05:-
Merde de poissons
Explanation for the title is down under (in Oz. heehee).
I´m going to get a film developed on Friday, and I was thinking about getting the photos on a CD-ROM (sp?), so I could share the picture-series I took of my beautiful cat Jóakim, and the pictures I took at my little sister´s christening - which was on July 18th -, with the world. At least the four people I know for a fact that read this blog. Anyways. So I thought it would be a good idea to learn how to use this thing that allows one to post pitures on ones blog. And the only picture I have on my computer is a picture a photographer took of me last summer to put in a paper along with a short interview with me. It was shortly before school started, and they had one page devoted to "back-to-school" stuff, and one day it was interviews with people that were starting in a new school. A.K.A. me, a 6-year-old boy, and a girl that was starting college. It was all people who knew someone that worked at the paper, and in my case it was my half-brother´s dad who suggested me to the journalist that called me one day and asked: "Hello, my name is ---- and I work at Fréttablaðið, would you mind if I asked you a few questions about your starting high school (school system different in Iceland from everywhere else; we start what is equivalent to high school, at 16, and then university at 20)." And then I asked if Valdimar (half-brother´s dad) had pointed me out to her, she said yes, and then I said sure. But then I was kind of embarrassed when the interview came in the paper, because the picture was at least two times the size of the text, and I wasn´t all that happy with the picture. I also thought that the interview made me seem a little ignorant. I have never worn that top again, partly because the first few days after school started, most of the girls in my class asked me if I was that girl in the paper, and I felt sure that if I wore that top even more people might recognize me. But mostly it´s because it has shrunk quite a bit, and I´ve grown (not a lot though), and it barely fits me anymore. I could wear it if I tugged it down every couple of seconds. But I have way more clothes than I can wear. And I just keep on buying more, don´t I. Anyways. Here´s the picture. Proof that I know how to use this program.
I don´t suppose you´ve seen or touched merde de poissons. I have. I´ve even squeezed it out of the fish. Merde de poissons is French for fish poo. Or Fish shit. Fish poo sounds better, though, don´t you think? Anyways. Yesterday I was working at the redfish machine; the machine that cuts the heads off the redfish, and filets them. When I was putting the fish into the machine, I noticed that some brownish thick liquid coming out of a hole which I assumed was the fish´s rectum. Apparently the fish had shitted itself (excuse the language, if it is correctly used that is) when it got caught in the net. Poor fish, I thought. Then I squeezed it, and more poo came out. It was mean, I know, but kind of fun, too. If you ever come accross a fish, see if you can squeeze a little poo out of it. It´s fun, I promise.
Well then, it´s getting late, so I bid you farewell for now.
Qotd: "You crossed the line dad, and you crossed it in slippers." -Rory, from 8 Simple Rules (For Dating My Teenage Daughter)
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:55:-
Monday, August 02, 2004
Money, Money, Money; Ain´t It Funny?
(Courtesy of Abba). I just hate to bore you with a list of everything I bought this weekend.
Oh, what the heck. I don´t really. I feel the need to brag creeping up on me. So here goes (If you don´t want to be overcome with jealousy of my being able to afford all this, scroll down till you see *****):
1. Black, warm Gsus top (5990 ísk. kr; $86; only paid 2990 ísk. kr. though)
2. Neon orange and blue dotted spaghetti-strap Gsus top with neon orange shoulder straps and lace "collar" (how else can I put it?) (2990 ísk. kr.; $43- didn´t pay anything for that one)
3. Green tartan kilt from Spúútnik (2100 ísk. kr; $30)
4. 3 small badges from Spúútnik; one says minx, one says UK SUBS (have no idea whatsoever what that means, just thought it was cool), and the last one says MODs. (50 ísk. kr. apiece; $ 0,71)
5. Cute cow frame for my cousin, who loves cow-stuff (everything with cow pattern) (no price here; she will most probably read this)
6. CD: Keane - Hopes and Fears (2399 ísk. kr.; $34)
7. Book: Teen Idol, by Meg Cabot (1995 ísk. kr.; $28,5) haven´t started reading it yet, promised myself that I must finish Jane Eyre first, although it´s very hard to get through)
(8. - 9.) Then on Saturday I rented Big Fish and X-Men, and on Sunday I rented Bringing Down The House (an ok movie, despite Steve Martin) and Strike.
So, all in all, I spent over 11000 ísk. kr. ($157) this weekend!!!!
This weekend was a sort of "lie-in-bed-and-do-nothing" weekend. Except for the shopping spree on Saturday. On Sunday I (accidentally) slept to 14:17. I didn´t even wake up at 9:30 to take my pills. I must have some special reflex that makes me slam the snooze button on my alarm clock until it stops, without waking up. So anyways, I did my best to continue with Jane Eyre, but, alas, I couldn´t. This morning I (again, accidentally) slept to 13:03. But I did, somehow, manage to take my pills at about 10:28, 28 minutes too late, but hey, it´s better than 4 1/2 hours too late. I just hope I won´t oversleep again tomorrow, when I have to go to work at 7:30 (bus comes at 7:33).
I only have 3 days of work left now! Yay! Then it´s haircut and dye on Friday, and straight to the summerhouse in Grímsnes we (well, mom and Björgvin) have rented for a week, and after that, we drive to the Westfjords (v. funny to write that word in English!)!!! There I will spend one day with my grandparents on my mother´s side in Þingeyri, and then abandon that part of my family to visit my father´s family in Ísafjörður. Dad works on a ship, and is currently "out to sea", so I´ll be staying at my grandparents´ house. I am really looking forward to that. Then mom and co. will pick my up on Sunday the 22th, and we´ll drive back home. On Monday the 23rd schools starts officially, and on Tuesday 24th the teaching begins. Understandably, I´m really looking forward to all this, as it is my first "real" summer vacation I´ve had since last year, and there will be no more fish-cutting, finger-cutting, frozen toes, back, -neck, and armaches (does that word exist? you get it anyways.) and, on top of it all; No. More. FISH STINKYNESS in my hair, clothes, face, body, and nostrils!!!!!!!!!!!
QotD: "What the deuce have you done woth yourself tjis last month?" -Mr. Rochester, from Jane Eyre
p.s. I have decided, that if there ever comes a need to say "what the f***/hell", I shall say "what the deuce...", Mr. Rochester-style... | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:24:-