About Me
age: 21
location: Reykjavík, Iceland
nationality: Icelandic
msn: trinagunnars (at) hotmail (dot) com
reading: Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen. Old Arcadia, by Sir Philip Sidney.
listening to: My iPod
watching: Buffy DVDs, How I Met Your Mother and Gossssssip Girl
likes: sleep, Pepsi Max, YAs by Meg Cabot, TV and my late cat, Joakim
dislikes: Techno, math, fish
Aldís María
Meg Cabot
Sigrun Ugla
Mummy dearest
Júlía Ara
Frog Prince
Birna Kristín
Anna Margrét
Other links
blogger.com profile
Pictures/myndir 2005
Pictures/myndir 2005-2007 (Scotland)
Poet Katrin
Gavin DeGraw
My Bible
Meg Cabot official website
See This Movie
He with whom I compare all persons of the opposite sex
Officially a fan
My old high school
My old college
The Uni Choir
Uni Choir chat
Reykjavík weather
Old Stuff
November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 July 2010 October 2010 March 2011
Friday, November 26, 2004
Item no.1
So, Christmas is coming... only 28 days away! So of course I´ve started thinking about what I want for Christmas (don´t even try to tell me that you haven´t!). There´s already one thing that I reaaally want; Gavin deGraw´s album Chariot. I discovered him through One Tree Hill (he sings the theme song, I Don´t Want to Be), but just a few days ago I looked him up on the internet and listened to some of his songs. He is amazing!
So, in short: Item no.1 on my Christmas list is Chariot - Gavin deGraw.
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 21:02:-
I adopted a pet...
...a penguin that I named Penny!
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 18:14:-
Thursday, November 25, 2004
I came across a little article...
...about blogging, on taeknival.is. According to that article, around 4 million people blog!!! And every day, about 15000 people start a new blog!!! And most bloggers are under 30 years old; 90% of bloggers are 13-29 years old.
So cool.
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:59:-
Mad Kat Moody
(like Mad Eye Moody; Harry Potter fans know who he is!)
I have been changing moods really quickly the past few days (like the weather in Iceland!). One moment I´m depressed and/or pissed off, the next one I´m ecstatic, and the next one I´m normal. I suppose you´re expecting a good and thorough explanation for this now, but I haven´t got any. Explanation, I mean. I haven´t a clue why I´m like this. If I weren´t only 17 I´d think I´d reached menopause!
Anyways. There was a biology test today. I actually studied for an hour (combined) yesterday, and tried to for a half hour before the test. And yet I cannot remember a thing about whatever we´re learning. The one thing I was sure about was the names of the nerve cells and what they do. The only reason why I remembered this is because I learned about it in seventh grade. What wonders drawing a picture of something can do!
Here´s a picture of a nerve cell. And hey, just for fun: in Icelandic, the axon is called phone!
Well, I suppose you can imagine how I did on that bloody test. But funny thing is, I´m not worried about it. At all. Not depressed, although not ecstatic, but definately normal. So to sum this all up: I don´t give a shit about what I get on that biology test.
I started continuing reading Jane Eyre today. I´m going to try and finish it before 2005. I started reading it in May. It has never, never ever, taken me so long to read a book. But to be fair, I was going to read it this summer, but then I had to go and read The Picture of Dorian Grey (it´s all right, though Dorian really annoyed me), The Catcher in the Rye (didn´t like it that much, but then again, I read it in Icelandic, and books are always better in the original language), the Georgia Nicholson books (groovy, fabbity-fab-fab :)), I also re-read a few Meg Cabot books (always awesome, no question about that) and even some vampire short story collection. That wasn´t really interesting, but I just read it on the bus to and from the fish factory. I still haven´t finished it. Then of course I read The Importance of Being Earnest, Animal Farm, and half of The Hitch-Hiker´s Guide to the Galaxy, while I was in the summer house.
Anyways. I don´t want to make this entry too long, with my uninteresting babbling. I don´t know what more to write. Maybe more tomorrow!
QotD: "I came to you in friendship! Well, alright, seething hatred, but..." -Spike, BtVS
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 21:17:-
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
 Is he cute or WHAT? His name is Callum Blue and he playes Mason on Dead Like Me. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:05:-
Happy anniversary to me!
Yes, it is indeed my 1 year blogging anniversary today! Yay for me!
I´m not gonna write much more, because I´m gonna be a good girl and study for the biology test tomorrow.
QotD: George: "Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ!"
Mason: "What?"
George: "Those are dead people!"
Mason: "No shit."
-Dead Like Me.
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:52:-
Monday, November 15, 2004
Random ponderings
Today (tonight, actually) I´m gonna write down ponderings about some random words that have just "popped up" in my head the last few days.
1. To ponder: Simply a funny word which I suspect I´ll be using a lot in the near future.
2. Uncanny: If something is uncanny, then can the opposite of it be just canny? The answer is no. Strange, strange, strange.
3. Diabolic: Looks like the name of some geometry shape, but oh no. It means evil and wicked; like a devil!
4. Imagine you were writing (on a computer) an essay. You are writing about church and church traditions. You are writing about hymns. You make a typo without noticing it and then give the essay to your teacher. When you get it back, there´s a red circle around the word hymn. You take a closer look at the word. Only it isn´t hymn. It´s hymen. Have you ever heard of a more... uhh... inconvenient typo? (p.s. this didn´t happen to me; I was just pondering.)
Well, that´s about it, for now.
Oh, and I musn´t forget: On Thursday, when I went to the bookstore to buy Gossip Girl, not only did I find that book, but TWO new books by Meg Cabot! Mia´s Christmas and The Mediator vol.2: High Stakes. Although I´ve read the latter one, but I don´t own it. Well, I didn´t own it. But now I do. Gossip Girl was ok. I didn´t get stuck in it until somewhere around page 120, though. I sort of liked it, and I really want to read the next books, but I don´t want to buy them. I checked on Gegnir.is to see if the library nearest my house had them, and according to Gegnir.is, they were all on the shelves, except the 2nd one. So I went to the library, looked everywhere I knew they might be, but no books. So I was a bit annoyed. I´ll go back someday soon and see if I can find them, or else I´ll just ask for them for Christmas. You can never have too many books, right? I want to have those books, but I don´t want to pay for them.
Well then, time to do some homework!
QotD: “Don´t mess with the middle child” Kerry Hennessy, 8 Simple Rules
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:15:-
Saturday, November 13, 2004
 my desktop right now | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 16:03:-
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Mittens required
I´ve bought two CDs since I last blogged. One is Travis´s newest album; Singles. It´s all old singles from them (hence the title), except for one new one ('Walking in th Sun') and a previously unreleased song ('The Distance') by Dougie, which he also sings. It´s a really good song, and he´s got a good voice. I´m not sure if he plays bass or guitar.
The other CD I bought just today; Britney Spears´s Greatest Hits: My Prerogative. I haven´t listened to it all, but I´ve heard all the songs before, so... I like most of her songs that I´ve heard so far, which is the reason why I bought this CD; it has all the songs that I like, and it´s a lot cheaper than buying all her other CDs.
Anyways. I don´t think I already told you about this, but I got my grade for my history report on Brynjólfur 'bishop' Sveinsson.
I got an A!!!!
Although, it´s only a temporary grade. I´ll get a more specific grade: a number, when everybody has done their reports next year. But I´m still happy as a kid on Christmas Eve!
Monday before last was the One Tree Hill finale. I´d got addicted to that show while waiting for The O.C. Chad Michael Murray did help a lot, though. But moving on. So last Monday a new show started in One Tree Hill´s time slot. It´s called Dead Like Me, and, surprise surprise, I like it. I mean I really like it. It´s about a girl who dies and becomes a grim reaper. Dark humor and a handsome guy. Just how I like it!I might not have mentioned this before in my blog, but when I really like a television show, I become addicted. One of the side-effects of this addiction is that I tape the show. Like, every single show. Then I watch the best scenes, or the whole episode, again and again and again. Yes, I know, I´m WEIRD. But there´s a good thing about this; it´s how I learned English. You see, back in 1997, when Sabrina the Teenage Witch came here (the show, not the chararcter!), I loved it so much, that when we finally got a video player (after mom and Valli divorced), I started taping it. Then I watched it so many times that I knew the episodes by heart. And I could connect the subtitles to what they were saying. Then, as I got better at English, I started noticing errors in the translation, and some lines that were just skipped (probably they weren´t really important to the plot, and there wasn´t room for it).
Well, I´m off to buy Gossip Girl. If I like it, I might even buy the whole series, but I hope I won´t love it so much that I have to own them all (like books by Meg Cabot), and will just get them from the library. Buh-bye!
QotD: "I saw them drop a piano on some chick´s head; I don´t think they´re trying to score points for originality," -George, from Dead Like Me
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 21:10:-
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Films, movies, pictures, etc, etc.
I rented Y tu mamá también on Friday. While I understand why it´s gotten such good reviews, I also get why it´s R-rated (or similar) in most countries (16 in Iceland). The uncut version, that is. I don´t think I´ve ever seen a movie that has had explicit scenes cut out or censored. I would actually like to watch some R-rated movie, uncut, and then see the cut version, and see the difference. See if it would maybe be a whole other movie with scenes cut out.
It´s kind of funny to look at the different ratings in different countries on imdb.com; for exsample, France is not nearly as sensitive towards sex, violence and language in movies as the USA. The links I put there for France and the USA are to imdb.com sites that show movies that are rated -12 in France and R-rated in the USA; Y tu mamá también is rated -12 in France (probably the uncut version) while in the USA it´s rated R (the cut version). Another exsample is Bless the Child, that is rated -12 in France, but R in USA. Even funnier, in Singapore, it´s rated PG!!! OK, I haven´t seen this move, but I saw the trailers, and to me it didn´t reallly seem like a movie that kids should watch. Understandably, The Exorcist is rated R in the USA and 16 here, but -12 in France (director´s cut version). I would just like to tell you that I watched this movie alone, in the dark, after midnight, and I fast-forwarded the creepiest scenes. But that didn´t make it any less scarier to me. Actually, when I think about it, I think The Exorcist is the only movie that I watched and actually became scared. And that´s saying a lot. I didn´t flinch when I saw Carrie, Psycho, and The Gift, didn´t puke when I saw Christiane F., Requiem for a Dream, Pulp Fiction, and Trainspotting (remember the scene in the bathroom? very nauseating, but I still didn´t puke).
OK, I admit. I´m just bragging about how many disgusting movies I´ve seen.
Imdb.com is a very convenient website. You can see details on just about any movie that has been made (the first one is called Carmencita and was made in 1894), actors (the no.1 is Fred Astaire), writers, producers, directors, and pretty much anyone who has had anything to do with "the biz." It´s also great to have an account there (which I do), so you can list movies that you have seen, grade them, and you can also make a list of movies that you want to see. Then when you´ve seen them, you simply move the title to a folder with other movies that you have seen. I find this all very useful.
Anyways. It´s way to late (I´m babysitting for my little cutie-pie sister), and I just have to go to sleep if I am going to study at all tomorrow.
Nighty night, sleep tight and dream pretty dreams!
QotD: "You crossed the line dad, and you crossed it in slippers," Rory, 8 Simple Rules...
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 01:25:-
Monday, November 01, 2004
„Það aldin út er sprungið...“
I so LOVE this song!!! It´s SO beautiful!!! And it reminds me of Christmas! And I get goosebumps whenever I hear/sing it! I am so bummed that I won´t be able to come to the choir´s Christmas concert, because it´s the day before New Year´s Eve, and I´ll be in Ísafjörður then. Don´t get me wrong; I love going there, and spending New Year´s Eve there is a LOT more fun than here (no offence, mom), because the whole family gets together (my father´s side, i.e.) and celebrate, have fun, and light fireworks (I´ve never done that myself, and don´t intend to; I´m too afraid of getting my mittens on fire or sth!). And the fireworks there are a lot more impressive than in Reykjavík; of course there are a lot more, but you can´t see, them all, unless you stand on a hill. But even though there are less fireworks in Ísafjörður, there is so much echo in the valley, that the "booms" are a lot louder. And I like the "booms" loud. And the bonfire, oh my god, so huge and impressive, most of the times I´ve been there, they´ve actually burned a whole boat! SO cool! Oh, and of course, the light sign in the mountain side wich has the year (now it will be 2004), and on the stroke of 0:00, it changes to the new year (2005)! SO cool!!
Eeeeek!!!!!! I am SO looking forward to Christmas and New Year´s Eve!!!!
Today was a pretty good day for me. Apart from the fact that I didn´t do very well on the Latin test, but I think I´ll scrape a 5-6. I hope!
Well, the things that I´m smiling about, are the two grades I got today. I got a 10 for the Danish test last Friday, and, get this: a 7,9 for my algebra quiz last Wednesday! A 7,9!!! And ok, it´s not a 10, but for me, it´s excellent. I suck at math, and the teacher knows it. I´m pretty sure he´s really annoyed with me all the time, but he doesn´t show it. So, I decided, that I would do well on that quiz, just because it would annoy him even more!!!
And the best part about this, is that I didn´t really study that hard for this test. I was busy finishing the 3rd book that mom and co. brought me from Scotland!
Oh, and I mustn´t forget: We didn´t get our quizzes back today. So how do I know my grade, you ask? Well, it went like this: the teacher came in, sb asked about the quiz, sb asked about the average, the teacher said it was around 4, sb asked what the highest grade was (I think; I wasn´t really paying a lot of attention), the teacher said: the highest grade was 7,9; Katrín. Now that got my attention. I can still barely believe it! And then, when he was going over the quiz (we only got the solutions), he mentioned a few times sth about my getting a 7,9!
No need to brag, but hey. What the hell.
Brag-need gone. For now.
Nighty night, sleep tight and dream beautiful dreams!
QOTD: “If it´s not a 14-year-old boy, it´s a 40-year-old bitch” Claudia, Grounded For Life
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:21:-