OK, not so much bitchin' as... "kittnish." (If there are any Buffy-fans reading this, they'll understand :))
Anyway. That BT finally connected our phone and DSL today. Our new number is 0----. Nah, just kidding.
So. We still haven't got our stuff; apparently there was some stalling (?) at the customs in Immingham (the city in England to which the ship sailed), but now we've been told that our 70-something boxes should arrive on Wednesday. Unfortunately, Wednesday is my first day of school (got to know that for sure today, yay!), so I might not be able to use my Superman-like strengt to help carry the boxes up the three flights of stairs to our apartment (actually, it's on the first floor (what in Iceland would be called 2nd floor though), but the staircase is in sort of a circle, you know. According to the school newsletter which I got, along with some other papers, last week, the schoolday Mon.-Thur. will be from 8:30-15:35, but 8:30-12:00 on Friday. I now love Fridays more than ever, but I might be going a little Garfield on the Mondays.
I bought a TV on Saturday. I wanted to get one with a VCR combined to it, but then Bjorgvin spotted a TV-DVD combination at Woolworths. I went to take a look at it, and my-oh-my, I knew it had to be mine. Why? Because it only cost 79,99 pounds. I am not even kidding. In Iceland, you can buy a good DVD player (and maybe one DVD disc to go with it) for that amount of money. This one is also a TV. It's so cool. Of course I had to buy something to go with my beautiful new 14" TV-DVD combi, so I bought the final season of Buffy, too. In Iceland, one season set costs as much as two here. I'd say this was a good bargain. Don't regret it the least bit. Sometime I might even go on a splurge and buy seson 3, which is the only one I haven't seen.
We've got 5 channels, BBC, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4 and Five, but there aren't any good shows, that I know of, there, but an occasional OK film. Just as well I guess, because I expect I'll have a lot more homework this year than ever, even though I'm only taking four subjects (German, History, Media and English. There was a little mess-up with the English, because all the English courses were full, but they managed to straighten it out, probably on account of how I was supposed to have got into their system in June, when they were organising their pupils' courses and all that, but the papers that mum had sent them hadn't even been printed out! The guidance counsellors that we talked to felt awful about it - mum had been in an e-mail correnspondence with people at the school since February, so they did indeed have enough time to put me on their list. Anyway, those are bygones now (Ally McBeal, anyone?); it's all good now, and I'll be starting school at 8:30 on Wednesday).
We're going to Glasgow tomorrow. We're going to some science museum or sth like that, which my 132 IQ almost-geek almost 11-year-old brother is just dying to go to. I say almost-geek because he isn't really a geek at school, but at home, maaan, he reads this science magazine called Lifandi Visindi (sort of like National Geographic) until it's got holes in it, and then he really feels compelled to tell us ALL about it at the dinnertable. It can get pretty annoying, but I've learned to put myself on 'in-through-one-ear-out-the-other' mode when he starts one of his "did you know that blablabla bugs do blablabla when blablabla... you know, the Aztecs did this and that, but the Mayas did that and this... in WW2, the good guys used blablabla but in WW1 the bad guys used blablabla... yadayadayada"-speeches. He's a nice kid - sometimes - but he's annoying - most of the time. But I love him, after all he is my brother. *He ain't heav-y, he's my broth-er.* I think I might even miss him after he's gone back to Iceland. He won't be living here in Scotland with us the next year; his father insists that "it's not a good idea to take him to another country, out of school, to a new school blablabla just now, because he's too young," which I personally think is bullsh*t - he's totally ready, he would make new friends and get used to speaking English all the time - he's surprisingly good at it, for a 10-year-old. It's all those computer games and television. He'll move in with us next year, but until then he'll only visit when he's on holiday. Since he's not gonna go to school, he won't have any friends, so the only thing he has to do is stay inside and play on the computer or his PlayStation2. Now is that healthy for a kid?
Anyway. It'll be a change not to have him around to annoy me, us, but I might miss him once in a while. Like I already said, he is my lil' bro.
One thing I'm also gonna miss - or am missing already; Joakim, my loving but grumpy 13-year-old limping cat. Oh, it was nice to have him laying on my un-made bed with his dirty paws, chasing him around the house to feed him so-called great-taste-for-kitties medicine that he hated, washing off his fleas, stroking him and getting a nice piece of fur as a souvenir... ah, good times. But seriously, I do miss him.
One more thing. When we first got to our apartment, the air smelled weird. Mum said it was malt-smell. There must be a brewery close by. It isn't very good, but thankfully it doesn't always smell like that, usually it's just nice grassy smell from the Meadows: 
Well well, it's getting late, and I must watch a Buffy epi or two before I go to bed. TTFN!
(Ta-ta for now.)
QotD: "Making sex is like a Chinese dinner: It ain't over 'til you both get your cookies." Old Man Dunphy, Outside Providence 
The red dot is where I live
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-: Trina
illustrated her blog at 20:21:-