Katrin age: 21 location: Reykjavík, Iceland nationality: Icelandic msn: trinagunnars (at) hotmail (dot) com reading: Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen. Old Arcadia, by Sir Philip Sidney. listening to:My iPod watching: Buffy DVDs, How I Met Your Mother and Gossssssip Girl likes:sleep, Pepsi Max, YAs by Meg Cabot, TV and my late cat, Joakim dislikes:Techno, math, fish
I have had some strange dreams in my life. Some people say dreams are meaningless, but thinking about the ones I've had recently, I don't know. Some are obviously just crazy and figments of one's imagination, but some do actually have something to do with one's life.
Last Friday night (Saturday morning technically) I got home quite late, having been out on the town with my new party-friend, Silje. The next morning my current roommate and guest, Alina, told me I had talked in my sleep. I do not remember what I was dreaming about, but apparently I said in a kinda dirrrty voice: "You little perv..."
I really have no idea where that came from!
This morning I had a more obvious dream. Or dreams, actually. The first one was when Alina was getting up; she was going to meet Rachel at 11 AM (ELEVEN AM! HOW did she think of that???) and I was gonna meet them later, because no way can I physically get out of bed before that time, when I'm on holiday. Well, Alina asked me some question before leaving, but then I dreamt that I asked where we were going to meet, and she said either the Chai Tea House or some Mexican place. I could have sworn it was not a dream, but when I txted her about it after I had got up, she was clueless. She later told me, when I had explained my dream to her, that a couple of MONTHS ago I asked her where she was going to take her mother and friend who were visiting, for dinner, and she said either the Chai Tea House, or a Mexican place! Weiiiiiird.
Then when I fell asleep again, I had a dream that was actually a borderline nightmare. I dreamt that I was leaving for Iceland that very day. And all of a sudden I was there, living in my old house - the one I grew up in, but the whole street had moved so it was by the sea. Strange. So the smell of the ocean was good and the weather was nice, and I was happy. Then I realised I hadn't actually said goodbye to ANY of my friends in Scotland!!! I was devastated, but then I woke up. Thankfully.
And it really dawned on me how little time I have left. In one week exactly I will be in Iceland. CRAZY. And I won't be back until Hogmanay! Alina and I have been talking about coming on the 28th of December and leaving on the 4th or 5th of January, but we still haven't bought the plane tickets or anything.
But we are definitely coming back!!!!!!!!!
Well, time for bed. I am getting up before noon to get ready to meet - and say goodbye to! - one of my friends, who unfortunately is not coming to Leavers' Ball on Thursday. (I AM SOOOO LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!!)
QotD: The Brain: "You can stop trying to break the record for absolute idiocy, Pinky; there are no other contenders." - Pinky and the Brain
-: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:32:-
Friday, June 15, 2007
Mum thinks I look like her in my new orange dress
-: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:04:-
Quote of the Day
Penny Lane: "I always tell the girls, never take it seriously, if ya never take it seriously, ya never get hurt, ya never get hurt, ya always have fun, and if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends." - Almost Famous |
-: Trina
illustrated her blog at 16:34:-
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Nowhere to Run
Good times... the fictional trailer that half of the Higher Media Studies class at JGHS 05-06 made... I was a part of that group. Crazy! Have to say I didn't contribute much more than ideas, though! Enjoy.
-: Trina
illustrated her blog at 15:55:-
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I can laugh at my own pain...
I just found the sixth plaster - it's on my foot! The reason I didn't realise it was there when I was counting them is that they are totally skin-coloured and sort of like a bit of skin attatched. That particular blister also doesn't hurt as much, so I didn't notice it.
The pain has now gone to such extent that I can barely walk.
I repeat: OUCH
-: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:10:-
Ouch. I wore my gorgeous red shoes last night for the third time - not in a row, though: first time was February 24th, second time was March 1st, and then last night. And each time they hurt me more. I'm actually not sure how many blisters I have on my feet now. I have special plasters on the biggest/most serious ones, but there are other red areas and sore spots. Unfortunately I only had 5 of those plasters (actually, the packet was supposed to contain 6, but I seem to have misplaced one). The blister on my left little toe is still getting bigger, but what with the plaster, it's throbbing a bit. Unbelievably painful.
The price we pay for cool shoes.
I thought ahead, though, and brought my black pumps in my handbag, which are so compact that they take up no space at all. Especially in my big bag in which I can fit everything necessary for a night out. I just knew that at some point I would need comfortable shoes - to walk home in in the morning!
Oh, right, in case you didn't already figure out, I went out dancing last night. I've been doing that quite a bit this last week with my clubbing friend Silje.
Last night was my last opportunity for at least 11 days, because tomorrow morning, the 'rents are going on a trip around the North of Scotland, and leaving poor little 3-year-old Sigrún Ugla with me! Eek! I'm gonna be a single sister! I am sure this would be extremely preventative for me becoming a young mother (because obviously I can't be a teen mother anymore, not being a teenager!!) - taking full and utter responsibility for a 3-year-old for 10 days. My German friend Alina will be coming back from Germany late on June 16th and will help me the last 4 days. That will be a relief, I'm sure - Sigrún just loves Alina! But I have no doubt that the little one and I will be better than fine together, just the two of us.
QotD: Mr. Ditkovitch: "If you want girl, call her and say, "I good man; you good woman...”" - Spider-Man 3
-: Trina
illustrated her blog at 20:00:-
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
As it has now been 5 days since I turned 20 years old, I believe it is high time I write a bit of a summary about my birthday, May 31st.
Like on any birthday, I didn't feel different at all when I woke up. In fact, I'm not sure if I feel any different even now! Being all kinds of legal now - more than at 19, I should at least feel more mature. Actually, as most people should know, you get most rights of adults when you turn 18, but the only right I can remember at the moment, which you get when you turn 20 is that in Iceland you are officially allowed to buy alcohol. (Luckily, and much to my friends' delight, the age here is 18...)
Anyway. For the third time in the same week, I actually got up before noon. The other times were when I had to babysit Sigrun from 10 a.m., and then of course there was the German exam on Wednesday. I was proud of myself for that major achievement alone!
I decided to wear my currently favourite summer dress; the yellow 50's style H&M dress with the 80's pattern. Love that dress. Around half three, a few of my friends, who did not have exams to revise for, a driving lesson, or, you know, abroad (shame on you for leaving me before my birthday, Alina and Juulia!), came over for some Icelandic pancakes - and brought some nice presents for me as well! The relatives graced me with large sums of money, which I am sure will no doubt come in handy when I'll be living alone as a proper poor student, but mum and Bjorgvin gave me the most beautiful necklace - a silver pendant shaped like a rock shaped by the ocean, with a hole in it shaped like a heart and lined with 18 carat gold! The most beautiful (and probably expensive...) piece of jewellery in my possession.
Sukey, Sophie, Julia, Emily and Katrina all loved the pancakes. Who wouldn't? The so-thin-you-can-see-through-them circle shaped cakes, topped with sugar, jam, cream, and even ice cream if you so feel like, rolled up to fit in your mouth brings incredible culinary delight to your taste buds.
The weather was completely different from how the forecast had been - at first at least. Sunny and so warm that we could go out for some fresh air in the garden. At half four, however, things started to change. It started with a distant grumble in the sky. The grumbles came every few minutes, and got louder, till they were proper thunders! They were actually accompanied by lightnings. Seriously. It wasn't until then that mum asked from the living room what that sound was. It started raining, at first just a slight drizzle, but within a few minutes it was so heavy that we could barely talk, as our dining room is also a conservatory, the roof of which is made of plexi-glass (or something like that) and therefore makes big noise when stuff falls from the air. Well, except for snow, but it's not like we've experienced that here a lot. A couple of days, maybe a week put together. Bummer.
As if a thunderstorm wasn't enough, the rain changed to hail. Crazy. As you can see from the video in the post below, it was even noisier, and the garden was like a small lake!
A nice day it was. I didn't go out in the evening, though, like young people usually do on their birthday regardless of what day it is, because I had to do some stuff online at 1 am (which then didn't work, much to my annoyance, as I was completely shattered having got up at half 10).
Friday however was a day for shopping and partying. I went to town with Sophie and Silje, to spend some of my birthday money that I got in pounds, and was absolutely in heaven in Virgin, where I bought Pride & Prejudice BBC-version, Sense & Sensibility the movie, and the first season of Dead Like Me. Almost bought an Audrey Hepburn collection as well, but decided to leave that for another day. At H&M I bought the kind of hippyish top that is so in right now, with the help of Silje's staff discount. How nice it is to have connections!
Then in the evening Silje and I painted the town blood red and danced our shoes off. Good times. Come to think of it, being 20 has really brought out the party animal in me.
Well, that's it for now - time to get ready for babysitting!
QotD: Mrs. Dashwood: "If you cannot think of anything appropriate to say you will please restrict your remarks to the weather." - Sense & Sensibility
-: Trina
illustrated her blog at 11:20:-
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Crazy birthday weather (ohmigod)
First it was sunny, and then a half hour later, it was a thunderstorm, complete with heavy rain, thunders, lightnings and hail. (Listen to the ohmigods towards the end of the video...)