About Me
age: 21
location: Reykjavík, Iceland
nationality: Icelandic
msn: trinagunnars (at) hotmail (dot) com
reading: Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen. Old Arcadia, by Sir Philip Sidney.
listening to: My iPod
watching: Buffy DVDs, How I Met Your Mother and Gossssssip Girl
likes: sleep, Pepsi Max, YAs by Meg Cabot, TV and my late cat, Joakim
dislikes: Techno, math, fish
Aldís María
Meg Cabot
Sigrun Ugla
Mummy dearest
Júlía Ara
Frog Prince
Birna Kristín
Anna Margrét
Other links
blogger.com profile
Pictures/myndir 2005
Pictures/myndir 2005-2007 (Scotland)
Poet Katrin
Gavin DeGraw
My Bible
Meg Cabot official website
See This Movie
He with whom I compare all persons of the opposite sex
Officially a fan
My old high school
My old college
The Uni Choir
Uni Choir chat
Reykjavík weather
Old Stuff
November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 July 2010 October 2010 March 2011
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
So I've started work. I kinda like my job, actually. Fairly simple - doesn't require much thinking, giving my brain a break while still giving me something to do and distract me from whatever my mind would slip towards if I were bored and... on holiday. I have to take two buses to work. Crap. I'm getting used to it now, but it is annoying that if my first bus is even 5 minutes late, I will have missed all the possible second ones, in which case I'd have to wait 30 minutes for the next one. Well, 27 at least. Crappy bus system. I might feel better about that once it's free for students to take the bus - it's bloody murder, the current fare. Last week I was walking to work in the morning, and had to walk through a parking lot behind the building where the shop that I work at is. It was really quiet. All of a sudden I hear this really loud music - Lady Marmalade, the Moulin Rouge! version. I look aound, and locate the source of the music. It's coming from an SUV, in which there is one man, mid-thirties, sitting in the passenger seat. He doesn't move or react to the music in any way. No sign of liking nor disliking it. I mean - if he didn't like it, he could have turned it off. Or down. It just made me laugh. It was kinda hilarious, actually. The weather is getting worse. This makes it hard not to be annoyed at little things, like finding out a shop is closed earlier than advertised on its website, when you left work early in order to make it there in time. That annoyance is heightened when the battery on your iPod empties when you've still got 20 minutes to walk home - you had just found some music that would possibly have cheered you up. Some sweets will barely make up for that. It is also annoying when you're walking home after work, having stopped by at a supermarket to get a 1 litre bottle of Pepsi Max to, well, make yourself feel better, and the plastic bag containing said Pepsi Max bottle tears from the weight, causing the bottle to crash onto the pavement, lid-first, and explode. And you hadn't even opened the effing bottle for a taste - you were going to save it for when you got home. The sole comfort is that you bought it at a cheap supermarket (relatively) and it "only" cost 88 isk (approx. 70 p). You are, however, too stingy to get another bottle at the next shop you pass - it is bound to be more expensive, and it would be more prudent to at least buy it after you've moved house... which is happening the next day. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 17:08:-
Sunday, July 29, 2007
An African wisdom
"No one, whatever their social status, ever sees the top of his or her own skull. There always comes a time when you need someone else in order to see clearly."
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:03:-
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Nowhere but Iceland
 I came back to Reykjavík last night. The weather has been exceptional, and since the sky was so clear and the view so good, the pilot decided to take a detour and fly over Hornstrandir. It is a beautiful place, and the view from above is incredible. At first I was a bit worried about how long this would take, because Sandra Rún was going to pick me up at the airport at 7 pm, when the plane was supposed to land, but my worries were soon overshadowed by awe. Looking out the window at the clear blue sky, the deep blue ocean, and the mountains (they vary in colour, from brown to green to grey to brown) finally made me appreciate being back in Iceland. And that made me smile. Because no matter how great and beautiful and almost perfect Scotland and Edinburgh are, there is nothing that compares to Icelandic nature. And where else would a pilot in a domestic flight decide randomly to fly a plane with around 10-15 passengers for 30 extra minutes because the weather was good enough to enjoy the fantastic view from above of gorgeous landscape? And actually narrate about what they were seeing, as well? Nowhere but Iceland, I daresay.
QotD: Mrs. Lintott: "And you, Rudge? How do you define history?" Rudge: "Can I speak freely without being hit?" Rudge: "How do I define history? Well it's just one fucking thing after another, isn't it?" - The History Boys | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 16:37:-
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I've been watching Live Earth tonight. For a bit with my dad, stepmum, my aunt's husband and then later my uncle as well, but after a while my tolerance for my aunt's husband's comments on whatever was going on onscreen ran out and I fled to my room to watch it on MSN instead. (Well, actually it's my brother's room (Danni, 15 years old), but I'm staying here for a few days while I'm in Ísafjörður.) He can get a bit annoying to say the least.
A couple of hours ago the Beastie Boys were playing in New York, and as they were doing their famous Intergalactic, the men complained that they couldn't understand a word they were saying (HAH! Even if it hadn't been for the noise of thousands of people in the audience, and their own speaking, I'm not sure they'd have understood it anyway) and dad said he didn't understand people who would listen to that kind of music.
This made me feel a bit annoyed. I happen to like some of what I've heard by the Beastie Boys - yeah, you wouldn't know it by looking at me, but I'd very much like to shake my booty to their music! Right now, actually - in the way that I'd not change the channel if I'd hear them on the radio.
Well that's all I wanted to say. I'm gonna go pay my full attention to Paolo Nutini (YUMMY) who's about to come on in London.
QotD: Mrs. Lintott: "Durham was very good for history. It's where I had my first pizza. Other things too, of course, but it's the pizza that stands out." - The History Boys | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:28:-
Monday, July 02, 2007
Tomorrow I am leaving Scotland. Moving. Back home, is the natural way to put it, but I prefer: away from home. Having lived here for the last 23 months, Edinburgh feels more a home to me than Reykjavík. (Sorry, but it's true!)
Somehow it didn't really quite hit home that I won't be coming back - it wasn't until I was saying goodbye to Alina at the airport (she left today and I went with her to the airport) that it started to sink in that this is, to refer to an annoying yet true cliché, the end of an era for me. On the bus back into the city I was looking out the window and thinking that this is the last time (well, until tomorrow morning, but that doesn't really count) I see this city while still actually being able to say it's my home. OK, another cliché: Home Is Where the Heart Is - but is it possible to have your heart in several places? (Heh, that came out strangely, but you know what I mean!) It must be, because I'll be leaving my heart here, though it will also always be in Iceland. Bahh. It's so much easier when you can just STAY in one place.
Well, it was a bit emotional for me. I won't lie: tears were shed. It is not impossible that more tears will be shed tomorrow... :(
This may sound like I'm completely dreading the thought of returning to Iceland... well, I'm not (not completely at least!). I am actually looking forward to it. It's the fact that I'm leaving Scotland that makes me sad.
But it's not like I'm NEVER coming back; I am determined to visit many times. I've already started planning to come here on Hogmanay this year - and Alina will be coming as well! Yay! Counting the days...
QotD: Willow: "Happy hunting." | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 19:41:-