About Me
age: 21
location: Reykjavík, Iceland
nationality: Icelandic
msn: trinagunnars (at) hotmail (dot) com
reading: Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen. Old Arcadia, by Sir Philip Sidney.
listening to: My iPod
watching: Buffy DVDs, How I Met Your Mother and Gossssssip Girl
likes: sleep, Pepsi Max, YAs by Meg Cabot, TV and my late cat, Joakim
dislikes: Techno, math, fish
Aldís María
Meg Cabot
Sigrun Ugla
Mummy dearest
Júlía Ara
Frog Prince
Birna Kristín
Anna Margrét
Other links
blogger.com profile
Pictures/myndir 2005
Pictures/myndir 2005-2007 (Scotland)
Poet Katrin
Gavin DeGraw
My Bible
Meg Cabot official website
See This Movie
He with whom I compare all persons of the opposite sex
Officially a fan
My old high school
My old college
The Uni Choir
Uni Choir chat
Reykjavík weather
Old Stuff
November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 July 2010 October 2010 March 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Exams... ugh
The first exam was today. A Saturday. An exam on a bloody Saturday! It was Icelandic essay, and there's no way to study for that, so yesterday I just took it easy when I got home - finished Wuthering Heights, went to the library, took a little walk around my neighbourhood (the city centre, in case you didn't know) and took about 20 pictures on my digital camera, of for example ducks on the Pond of Reykjavík. Then I sat down on a bench by the Pond and read a little in The Juvenilia of Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte, which is a book that contains their first works - stories that they wrote as teenagers. They are actually quite good, but what else can you expect from such magnificent writers as they were? I also stopped by in IDHA, the tourist shop on Laekjargata, and bought this really funny refrigerator magnet, which has a picture of "The Icelandic Killer Sheep." I'm gonna take a picture of it and post it here, soon. I was in a very good mood yesterday, even though I knew, as many times before, that I was being a very bad girl - that time I should have used to study for the Danish final which is on Monday. In fact I should be studying right now. You see? I really can be a bad girl sometimes... :)
We had 2 1/2 hours to write the Icelandic essay - it only took me 1 hour and about 15 minutes. I was the first to finish, probably because I didn't write a draft or anything, like I think most of the others did. I read the essay over like three times, because I didn't want to be the first to go out. Being the first to finish doesn't always mean that you did perfectly. I think I did OK, though.
Well, it's time for Sigrun Ugla's nap. Bye! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 15:11:-
Monday, April 25, 2005
I have a dream...
The night before Sunday I had a dream. A strange dream. Of course, like any standard strange dream, it had thousands of plots. I barely remember even half of it. But there's one part that I can remember clearly. I'm going to tell you about that part, and possibly analyze it a little bit.
So here goes: I was, for some reason, grinding my teeth. I was really annoyed, angry, frustrated or something. Then all of a sudden, I could feel that I was no longer grinding my teeth. I was chewing my teeth, or at least a part of them. See, what had happened was that I had ground my teeth so hard, that I had broken little parts of the cuspals off my teeth. So my mouth was just filled with little grains of teeth. It was, understandably, horribly disturbing and I was really really reaked out, but luckily, I was very close to a dental clinic, so I could just run over there, careful not to spit out any of my grains of teeth. But, alas, when I got there, there was a long queue to get to the dentist's. So I, after having talked (as much as I could) to some people that were also waiting, ran all the way across town to another dental clinic, just to see if the queue was as long there. But when I got there, it was closed. So I ran all the way back, and my oh my, it was my turn already! So I got in the chair, and the dentist gave this whole speech of what she (it was a woman) was going to have to do to fix my teeth. I barely understood a word of it, seeing as how I was concentrating on not swallowing my teeth grains (I apparently thought they might still be saved...), but I gathered that she was going to inject some chemicals into my broken crowns. After that, it's all a blur.
My analysis is that my subconscious was telling me that it's worried about my teeth. Duh. But, you see, a few of years ago I went to a dentist to see if I might need to get braces, because I have a little overbite and my teeth aren't all straight and neat (I'm fine with them, though. I'm quite fond of my fangs-if I want to be a vampire for Hallowe'en, I won't need any artificial fangs). The dentist (who was actually a she...) said that braces weren't necessary for me, but that my front But she said that my front teeth might start to loosen when I get around 30, if nothing were to be done. Might. So I, being a 15-year-old, opted for not getting braces. I would have had to wear them for two years, and I didn't really like the idea of having metal in my mouth, anyway. But now, my brother is getting braces. He got a retainer to wear at night, but he'll get a mouthful of metal in a few months. And then my mom is also getting some of her teeth fixed. I'm not sure if I got it right, but I think she's getting her silver fillings exchanged for white ones, and her teeth whitened or sth. Can't remember exactly. So, in conclusion, somewhere deep down I'm having some doubts about my decicion. But, like the dentist said, it wasn't completely necessary. When I'm all grown up, and RICH, I'll get braces. Then I can get white ones on the back of my teeth, like Tom Cruise. Hey wow, I just noticed that Tom Cruise is "name no.129" on imdb.com! The biggest names are always the first. Fred Astaire is no.1
Oh by the way: I'm at school right now, and I have just finished my oral German exam. I think I did alright. Better than alright, maybe. At least I'm pretty sure I won't flunk (as if that was ever an option for me :)).
QotD: Sid: "From now on, you'll have to refer to me as 'Sid - Lord of the Flame'." Manfred: "Hey, Lord of the Flame, your tail's on fire." -Ice Age | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 21:25:-
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Your True Birth Month Is June |

Fussy Abiding Friendly Stubborn Talkative Sensitive Executive Hesitating Easily hurt Active mind Easily bored Daydreamer Loves to joke Tends to delay Temperamental Brand conscious Loves to dress up Having lots of ideas Good debating skills Funny and humorous Thinks far with vision Prone to getting colds Polite and soft-spoken Able to show character Seldom show emotions Knows how to make friends Easily influenced by kindness Takes time to recover when hurt Choosy and always wants the best Those who love me are enemies; Those who hate me are friends |
I think a part of this is true. You can decide for yourself which ones of those things are me. It's also kind of funny, that June is my "True Birth Month," since I was supposed to be born on June 4th, but was born 4 days early, i.e. May 31st.
I am really looking forward to going to Denmark wit hthe choir. I'm sure it's gonna be lots of fun. This is the third year in a row that I go to Copenhagen with a choir and/or school, so of course my mom asked me why on earth I wanted to go again. I mean, Denmark isn't exactly one of the many places that I want to go to. But, you see, it's a different experience every time. I don't plan on going to Denmark again after this trip, though. Anyway. In June 2003, I went with the Children's Choir of the Cathedral of Reykjavik, and at the age of 16 the oldest choir member. There was only one other girl my age, who was a year younger than I. The rest were all between 11-13. So you can imagine how it was. A lot of fun, granted, but a whole lot different from when I went with my class in March-April of 2004 to Denmark. Then we visited some Danish kids in a small town called Helsinge, and then spent three days in Copenhagen. I don't think I was the only one who liked that part of the trip better. More about that in the two posts at the bottom of this page. This time, it's probably going to be a lot different from my previous trips to Denmark, like I told my dear mother.
I've also got some news! I got a summer job! Guess where.
Guess again.
And again.
You were right; I'm going to spend my summer in a fish factory, just like last summer. But hey, I don't mind it that much, I mean, the salary is about 800 isk. per hour, and the workday is usually from 7:55-16:00. Sometimes, when there's a LOT of fish, we might have to work until 19:00, but it totally pays off; the overtime salary is more than 1000 isk. per hour. And what's better than coming home after 11 hours of fish and back pains, and lay down in bed, maybe watch a little TV, read a book or two, and not have to worry about any homework?!? And I don't start work until June 7th, so that gives me about... 12 days of vacation, between exams and the Denmark trip. And I will probably quit work around August 1st, and then it's straight to Scotland (don't have the date yet, though) and school the next week (don't have thate date yet either, but I know it's in the second week of August)! So I'm gonna have a good summer, right?
Every cloud has a silver lining! (And that's usually the rain) Always look on the bright side of life!
My English-blogging anniversary was on March 7th. Completely forgot about it. Congrats to me, eh? Or do you think I'm a Dumkopf for not writing in Icelandic? Before you answer that question, I'll tell you one thing: This has been great practice for me -I am moving to an English-speaking country after all, not to mention that my English grades aren't too bad. Kinda good, actually.
QotD: "... Should Jim Carrey apologize to America for The Cable Guy... well, maybe..." Dick Solomon, 3rd Rock from the Sun, listing things that people should not apologize for... then, as you can see, he came upon a thing that should be apologized for. Heehee.
p.s. This is my choir teacher. He is a genius. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:05:-
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Only about fourteen weeks left!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't waiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
QotD: Ringo: "Do I snore, John?" John: "Yeah, you're a window-ruttler, son" A Hard Day's Night | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 01:20:-
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Tilkynning til allra Islendinga! Takid fra thridjudagskvoldid 19. april, thvi ad kor Menntaskolans i Reykjavik er ad halda vortonleika sina i Neskirkju (ekki a Seltjarnarnesi, heldur vid Nesveginn) kl. 20:30. Midagjald er 1500 isk. Thetta verda frabaerir tonleikar! A dagskranni eru m.a. Bohemian Rhapsody, studentalog, Island ogrum skorid, Maistjarnan (i frabaerri utsetningu, seinasta erindid er m.a.s. attraddad!) og stortonverk eftir Benjamin Britten; Rejoice in the Lamb, með snilldarorgel- og pakuundirleik (ef thu vissir thad ekki, tha eru pakur gedveikt flottar og storar trommur). Endilega lattu sja thig! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 21:49:-
 The bottom of my left foot. I don't know if you see anything wrong with it, but I can. I have a scar, which covers most of it, but that one isn't too obvious; the skin is simply about 15 years younger than everywhere else. It's also sort of purple. In the middle, though, there's a smaller one - a line, which is more obvious and redder. What caused this scar, you ask? Well, I got a 2nd degree burn in the summer of 2002, when I had a seizure in the shower at my grandparents' house. I got burned because I hadn´t turned on the cold water yet, so 60°C water just streamed on the bottom of my foot. It hurt like hell, afterwards, and I had to use crutches for six weeks, but at least it was on a part of my body where nobody can see it. So in a way, I was lucky. Just think how horrible it would have been if I'd have burned my face! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 21:44:-
 My pussycat, Joakim Boxersson. He is almost 13 years old, but he is as cute and adorable as ever! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 21:28:-
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Time's a-flying!
Today is my 4 year confirmation anniversary! I can barely believe it. Four years!!! Four years isn't such a long time, but I feel like it was ages ago!
Time is a strange thing, it is. I am only seventeen years old (almost eighteen!) but to me 17 years are like ages. Heck, I feel like ages have passed since I turned sixteen! Which only happened two years ago. I guess that's because that year a lot of things changed, like: I was starting a new school, and many of the people I had gone to school with for three-ten years I might never see again. Huh, funny. Speaking of that, the girl who was my best friend for seven effing years? Yeah, haven't seen her since then. Well, I've seen her once or twice maybe, but I didn't talk to her. No. Strike that. She didn't talk to me. Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah, time. It passes so quickly and yet it feels like what was only a year ago is ten times that. And vice versa. For example, eight years ago I went to France with my mother, and for four weeks we drove around the country with some Frenchman we had met in Iceland the year before and had invited us to come to France (he didn't pay for the flight, though :)). Sometimes it was fun, and sometimes it was dead boring. We were there in July, which is the hottest month of the year there. So most of the time the heat was around 35°C, and one day it was 40°C!!! Sounds good, doesn't it? Well, it wasn't. 40°C is just too much. And not to make it any better, we were driving the whole day, and I couldn't open the window because we were on the highway and just a tiny little gap would have made a screaming noise. It was literally like going out of the frying-pan and into the fire. Mom was crazy about the stone middle-ages gothic churches that are all over France, and we went to a lot of them. I was really sick of it (now I find them just as interesting as mom does, but to be fair I was only 11), but when it was hot like that, I welcomed the cold air that was inside the churches. Then I pouted because we couldn't stay long. Why do I remember all this like it happened yesterday? It is so strange. I learned a thing or two in French when I was there, which I still remember, like "toilette, s'il vous plait?" That line is vital, if you're in France and need to pee. The French aren't to keen about English, and most of them don't speak any. English, I mean. So it is necessary to at least know how to ask where the toilet is. There's a lot more stuff that I remember about those four weeks in France. I can also remember that just a few days before we left Iceland, an exterminator had to come to our house to exterminate some creepy bugs (I don't remember what kind of bugs they were) froom my room. And when we got back home, our house had been re-painted. Blue and red. It used to be yellow and red. If anyone can tell me why I can still remember going for a morning walk in a tiny French village (Meung-sur-Loire) to the baker's to buy freshly-baked baguette and croissants for breakfast, eight years ago, but I can't even remember how to solve mathematical problems that I learned just last week?
I guess the reason is that stuff like that just stays with you. Important stuff, unlike math. Even though mom says that most of the time I was a royal pain in the butt during that trip to France, I remember it as a wonderful country that I would love to visit again. But maybe not with my mom.
If I feel like it, I might write more about France sometime. There's a lot of stuff that I would like to tell just anybody about. Like that time when we were in Monaco and somebody broke into our car and stole among other things, my two favourite books, my new paint and a picture I had painted of a river that ran through Meung-sur-Loire and I was really really proud of, my new camera and casette player. Oh, and my mom's credit card, and the thief stole around 150,000 isk. off it before mom got a chance to call the bank in Iceland and have the card deactivated.
Bye bye! QotD: "The glorified bricklayer picks up a spare," Xander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 17:37:-
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I love ANTM
ANTM SPOILER!!!!!! If you haven't seen tonight's show yet, don't read ahead!!!!
************************************************************************************* I was just watching America's Next Top Model. The girls went to Tokyo!!! Yaya and Amanda are really starting to annoy me. It sucks that Nicole was sent home. Yaya so deserved it a lot more! She spit out the food she was supposed to advertise!!! And Amanda, gosh, she is sooooooo self-centered. "I'm so pretty, I'm gonna win, I have pretty eyes and I have a fabulous body!" GET A CLUE AMANDA!!! This is not the way to get people to like you! People don't like people who are this confident of their perfection!!! I'm not saying that she is perfect, but she sure does act like she is. And it's not attractive!!!!!! ************************************************************************************* Done rambling.
My grandmother and namesake, Katrín, who we usually just call Kata, is knitting me a woollen sweater for my birthday, which is next month. I'm so excited! I got to pick the pattern and colours myself. I'm so looking forward to getting it!
I think I did OK on that English glossary test today. I knew what all the words meant, but I wan't completely sure of what some of them were in Icelandic. But then again, how is knowing what every single word is in Icelandic, as long as I know what they mean going to do me any good in the future. It's not like the Scots are going to ask me how to say "turpitude" in Icelandic? OK, maybe they will, but it's certainly not going to be on a ny Highers exam. I know, I know, I've complained about this before. Nightynight!
QotD: "Janet! Where the deuce have you been?" Mr Rochester, from Jane Eyre | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:49:-
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
All-new skin!
So, I wanted to change a little bit more, so I just decided to go all the way. So what do you think? now I have not just one, but two pictures og Yellow Book covers. I also changed the title of the blog to The Yellow Book. Actually, there's not much yellow on it (as you can see!), but I simply think it's a cool title. The same title as "An Illustrated Quarterly" had back in the 1890's. Published in London, New York and Boston.
Well, gotta go study better for the English glossary test tomorrow.
QotD: Penny Lane: How old are you? William Miller: Eighteen. Penny Lane: Me too! How old are we really? William Miller: Seventeen. Penny Lane: Me too! William Miller: Actually, I'm sixteen. Penny Lane: Me too. Isn't it funny? The truth just sounds different. William Miller: I'm fifteen. -from Almost Famous | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:49:-
Monday, April 11, 2005
Yellow Book
I learned how to use FrontPage last week, and tonight I've been playing a little bit with it. I had a bunch of ideas how I could change my blog, and tried them, but so far the only thing that as worked is the "watermark" background picture of a cover of the Yellow Book, volume XII January 1897. It's so cool. The book, I mean. I just wish I could read it! I found a few pictures of other volumes on google, and they all look so interesting! Books that were published more than a hundred years ago!!!
Tell me what you think of the background!
QotD: "I saw Lana nodding like she understood though. She probably did too. Lana is very familiar with all things Brazilian. I know because I've seen her naked in the shower." -Princess Diaries: Sixsational | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 01:10:-
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Congrats and hats
I just want to congratulate Prince Charles of Wales and his wife Camilla Parker Bowles for finally getting married! They've got to be very happy - they have been waiting for this day for 34 years. But then, she wasn't good enough for him (or rather, his family), or something, so they split up officially, but apparently did keep in touch... And then Prince Charles married Lady Di, had with her two gorgeous princes (well, one is gorgeous, the other one is just ok), broke her heart, started "going out" with Camilla again, and now 8 years after the death of Lady Di, he marries her. Camilla, I mean. No wonder it took them so long to get married; Camilla Parker Bowles wasn't liked very much, being a homewrecker and all. Lady Di said sometime, that all the years she had been married to Prince Charles, there had been three people in their marriage. That third wheel being Camilla, I assume. It just goes to show - royals are just as messed up as the rest of us, if not more.
I watched a part of the royal wedding (or the thing that was after it - some blessing or sth) on TV, and two very capable and very annoying people were describing what was going on. Yammering on about who was who and so on. One thing that I noticed, was that none of those royal women have a sense of style. They were all wearing some ridiculous hats, huge and tiny, black and white, with a veil or without one. I liked Camilla's dress, though, a very suitable dress for a 58-year-old getting married for the second time - with the exception of her hair-do. She had straws in her hair, for god's sake! It looked more like a center piece for a dinner table, than a hair ornament. What in the world was her stylist thinking (I'm assuming she didn't pick it out herself - her husband being filthy rich and all)? But, to be fair, he/she is most likely British. Middle-aged British women are notorious for not having a sense of style.
I'm gonna go watch Bridget Jones's Diary 2 and eat my big bag of candy, now!
By-the-by; I finished The Princess Diaries: Sixsational yesterday. Started reading it on Thursday. I wish I was this quick reading school books! But then again, Meg Cabot's books are a lot funnier and more exciting than, say, books by Snorri Sturluson. Although, the latter writer was born in the 13th century, and the writing style has changed a little bit since then.
QotD: "I don't think she'd be laughing quite so hard if she found out that I happen to be named after someone who cut off another person's head with a meat cleaver." -The Princess Diaries: Sixsational. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 22:35:-
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
"It's like dancing with my mother's ironing board"
Last week I watched both Dirty Dancing 1 and 2. My cousin, Sandra, owns the first one on DVD. Though they may not be some huge, high-quality and expensive movies, they really are entertaining and sort of "feel-good!" The dancing is so good, and my god is Diego Luna hot! He was in the second one, by the way. His accent - mmm..... so sexy! I also think it's really cool that Patrick Swayze, who played one of the leading roles in the first one, had a role in the second one, too, albeit a small one. It's obvioous that he isn't supposed to be the same guy; his character is a lot different, the movies aren't supposed to happen in the same place, not to mention that Dirty Dancing is supposed to happen 1963, but Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights is supposed to happen in 1958.
I decided to be a good big sister last Friday and went with my brother to the library. All the copies of Pride and Prejudice were out, so I borrowed The Juvenilia of Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë. It's a book with the first stories that they wrote. I've only read a couple of pages, and don't think I'll read more soon; I still have about a 100 pages left of Wuthering Heights, not to mention that I have to study! I tend to forget that sometimes, especially when it comes to books. I'm thinking about re-reading The Princess Diaries: Sixational when I'm done with the other books. Or maybe in between; it takes me such a little time reading it. I've only read it once, but I think it's my favourite out of all the Princess Diaries books.
Anyways. Must go now and study more for that German test tomorrow!
QotD: "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." Johnny Castle, Dirty Dancing | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:13:-