About Me
age: 21
location: Reykjavík, Iceland
nationality: Icelandic
msn: trinagunnars (at) hotmail (dot) com
reading: Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen. Old Arcadia, by Sir Philip Sidney.
listening to: My iPod
watching: Buffy DVDs, How I Met Your Mother and Gossssssip Girl
likes: sleep, Pepsi Max, YAs by Meg Cabot, TV and my late cat, Joakim
dislikes: Techno, math, fish
Aldís María
Meg Cabot
Sigrun Ugla
Mummy dearest
Júlía Ara
Frog Prince
Birna Kristín
Anna Margrét
Other links
blogger.com profile
Pictures/myndir 2005
Pictures/myndir 2005-2007 (Scotland)
Poet Katrin
Gavin DeGraw
My Bible
Meg Cabot official website
See This Movie
He with whom I compare all persons of the opposite sex
Officially a fan
My old high school
My old college
The Uni Choir
Uni Choir chat
Reykjavík weather
Old Stuff
November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 July 2010 October 2010 March 2011
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Today was a nice day. Sunny and still.
When I got home from school, my mom was sitting on the balcony, studying. She was sitting on a metal garden chair. I sat down with her (not on the same chair!), and we talked for awhile, until the funniest thing happened; the chair mom was sitting on, BROKE! Yes, my pregnant mom, who weighs about 162 pounds, broke the chair she was sitting on!!! Fortunately, she didn´t fall, but we heard a small "crack"-sound, so she stood up, and voila: the chair falls apart, into two bits! Understandably, we laughed about it for a while, although mom didn´t get the funny part, at first.
Anyways. Since there was such a good weather today, and the last day of school tomorrow, our geology teacher took us outside, to "Austurvellir"-Park. There we sat on benches and on the ground, while the teacher told us about the geology final. There was a man with a camerea, and another one with this huge microphone, (dunno what it´s called, it´s really hairy, you know what I mean?) there, we thought they were from some foreign news bureau, don´t know which though, ´cause we didn´t ask. They were filming us, and we were smiling and waving at the camerea, until some group of 1.graders came to look at the statue of Jón Sigurðsson, and the camera guy went and filmed them.
Well, that´s about it for today!
p.s. bekkurinn minn er kominn með blogg; , endilega kíkið á það!
QotD: "Who´s winning right now, me or my hair?" -Seth, from The O.C. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:27:-
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Check it out!
Just stopped by to tell you to take a look at this! Now I want you to tell me, and be honest: which one has the cutest butt? Please click the link below this post, which says Go MAD!, and a new window will open, where you can view other comments, and post your own.
Just in case you didn´t know how this comment-thing works. Since, apparantely no one who has visited this site in a long time has bothered to comment. Exept Hildur, and that was only to ask the question, which I have gotten many times; Why do I blog in English? Because sometimes I find it easier to "express myself" in English, and plus, there is now a possibility that I have readers (or some who have only looked here once, but whatever) from other countries. English is an internationally understood language, and I have "advertised" my blog on a few pages visited by many people from all over the world, and Mags, the best blogger I have ever read :) has a link to my blog on hers. And she´s got many readers!
So. I beg of you, no matter who you are, if you know me or not, if you have lookrd at this site more than once, or if this is the first and last time you do, PLEASE comment, answer the question above, and maybe, MAYBE, if you aren´t from Iceland, might you maybe tell ne where you are from?
Bunch of thanks!
QotD: "Life is too short to learn German," -Richard Parson (1759-1808), Cambridge scholar, writer & critic
p.s. I did not mean to offend the German, I just thought it was a cool quote, found it in a book called Funny Countries. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:41:-
Saturday, April 24, 2004
F**king computer!
Well, it´s been a while, and there´s a lot of stuff that I´d like to tell you all strangers who have stumbled upon my blog (I assume I don´t know you, since the number of my counter keeps getting higher, but the average amount of comments is still, like, NIL!), but I don´t have that much time right now. I have at least a couple of times this week tried to blog a bit, but my bloody computer keeps freezing and/or deciding for me which websites I should see and which not ("this webpage has not been found, please try again later..."). It´s just moody and old.
The choir concert I mentioned in my last post went really well, and it was also really fun. We sang all kinds of songs (motets, madrigals, patriotic songs etc. etc.), but my favourites were the musical songs; songs from West Side Story and Hair. We sang those from Hair (Age of Aquarius, Good Morning Starshine, and Walkin in Space, only in Icelandic) last, and we wore hippie clothes while singing them. Between the West Side Story songs, and Hair, three girls sang Pie Jesu (a version by A.L. Webber), while the rest of us ran downstairs, where we kept our stuff, and changed as fast as we could into our hippie clothes. Since we had such little time, we all had to change in the same room (a large room normally used by the choirs that have rehearsals there). And there are quite a few boys in the choir, I had to change like this:
1. Took shoes off (we were supposed to sing barefoot)
2. Pulled hippie skirt up over nice skirt (don´t know why I didn´t just pull it over my head, but whatever.)
3. After having zipped down nice skirt, pulled it down from underneath hippie skirt
4. Took off nice shirt (was wearing a tank top under even though it was boiling in the concert room, what with the strong lights and all. reason given above)
5. Put on hippie shirt, had some difficulties; stiff and un-strechable fabric
6. Tied a brown ribbon around head, hippie-style.
And then I ran back upstairs, along with the others, and had a great time singing those songs from Hair. After the concert I went home, and we (my family and I, that is) rented Hair. The movie, that is.
On Tuesday I took an oral exam in German. Got a 10, though personally I thought I deserved more like an 8. But of course I didn´t mention that to my teacher. Then I took a glossary exam in English on Wednesday, got 8,8 for that one (got only two wrong, though), but I didn´t really study for that one, so. I also got to see my grade for the Goggle-Eyes essay I wrote sometime before Easter. We read this book in school, and I do NOT reccommend it. It´s as boring as hell. Anyways, I got 9,5 for the essay.
First day of summer on Thursday (in Iceladn, at least). I went with mom to the bookstore Wednesday night, and I got to choose my summer gift from her myself. I chose a book which contained all the novels by Charlotte and Emily Brontë. Cost only 1797 isk. kr. (sth like $26, or £14,26)! Thursday night we ate dinner at a restaurant, and my mother ordered a beer (lite) to drink with her hamburger and fries (yes, she´s eating healthy, because she´ll be having a baby in about a month), but when the waiter came with our drinks, he put the beer in front of Björgvin, mom´s boyfriend. Strange how someone can just assume that if someone orders a beer, it must be the man at the table! (it was a waitress who took the order, not the waiter who brought us the food).
Anyways, I spent the first day of summer, which is a bank holiday, lying in bed watching TV, when I really should´ve been studying for one of the finals that are coming up, or even the math test which I took on Friday, in 1.period. But I didn´t, and I took that test only having leafed through the math book over breakfast. But I did ok on that test, only 1 1/2 problem I couldn´t solve! Although I do not know how many of those I did solve, were right!
But I don´t really care, since math will be of no use to me in the future (exept for maybe calculating the discount of clothes on sale), since my dream is to become a writer.
I have to stop this, must start studying (=continue reading Jane Eyre)!
QotD: "Go with gravity, man," -Rachel, from The O.C. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 15:47:-
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Well, I just wanted to apologize for not posting recently, but I´ve just been so busy, what with being back at school and all. Right now I should be translating my diary, that is, the one I wrote in Denmark, to Danish. I knew that we had to hand our diaries, but somehow it slipped my mind that it was supposed to be in Danish. Which totally makes sense, since we went to Denmark, with our Danish teacher, to learn Danish! So now I have to translate 40 pages (though small; A6), and I have 29 left now. Of course there´s some stuff that I have to skip, things that I don´t want to share with my teacher. And the fact that I have to turn it in tomorrow, does make me want to be quick to finish it. And I don´t have all day, either, since my choir is having a concert tonight, and this morning we were also singin in mass, which was being recorded and will be broadcasted next Sunday. We can´t sing then, because the finals are coming up, and obviously we need to study. We were also supposed to use the Easter break to study, but I´m just so lazy, that I spent it lying in bed and watching TV. I feel terribly guilty, since I´ll be taking two "stúdentspróf" ("final finals" don´t know a compatible Ebglish word for it; the Icelandic school system is different from the English one); in chemistry, which is my worst subject, and geology, which I´m not so good at either. I kind of don´t care about this, since it doesn´t really matter to me, if I move to Scotland in a year (about 95% odds, and I´m sooo looking forward to it!), but I don´t want to fail. I suspect that I´l get maybe 4,5 (4=fail)-5 in chem., and 7-7,5 in geology.
Well. Don´t want to bore you with this anymore, but I would just like to say thanks to those who have caused the number on my counter to rise! I guess that the fact that I put an "advertisement" for this blog on my profile on the O.C. message board (forgot to tell you; I joined the O.C. fanclub!!!) has something to do with it!
QotD: "I was only expressing awe and joy, which will now be replaced with a severe bruise on my ass." -Seth, from The O.C. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 14:31:-
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Wow, the stupid skin of this stupid blog has suddenly gone back to normal! Yay! Well, the archives are still messed up, but the main site is FINE!!!
O yea! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:31:-
What does this tell you?
...Maybe I should change my name or something, in most of these stupid memegen 3.0 "tests" (what am I supposed to call this?) I get the coolest results by using Kat, Kate or Katie. When I move, people will probably have to call me one of these nick names, since my real name is not so easily pronounced, for those who don´t speak Icelandic fluently, that is.
Which name do YOU think would suit me best?
QotD: "Sometimes I think you talk just to make sounds." -Ryan, from The O.C. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:28:-
Monday, April 12, 2004
If only I were... 20 YEARS OLDER!!!
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 01:00:-
OH YEA!!!!
Cooool... Except for the voice part... not liking that... like to think that I express myself through speaking, and without a voice, how can I do that, RANDY????
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:55:-
Heeheeeheee...Stop! You´re killin´me here!!! Hahahaaheee
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:51:-
Only too funny...
| -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:44:-
Sunday, April 11, 2004
I only wish...
...This would come true...Except for the 6 kids...I only want two (girls:Viktoría and Vilborg), three tops. | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 23:13:-
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Kagí líka horfa tóamið (Kagí (Katrín) also watch TV)
Did not know what to do today, so I devoted myself to helping my pregnant mother counting bottles (before exchanging them for money), carrying big bags with bottles and clothes, walking down two stairs and outside to throw a few cardboard boxes in the trash can, running up and down the stairs to get the broom (two times, because the first time I didn´t get the right on) and so on. Then I saw my old baby book, in which my mother wrote about me when I was a baby, stuff like wheight, size, when I learned to do this and that and stuff like that. I had a very good time reading about my vocabulary;16 months old: bau=bread, hái=hair, gagi=pick me up, gei=spoon, appa=help me, letti=mitten; 17 months old: giva=write, scrawl, jokka=socks, beima=keep, húe=airplane, mamli/mumla/mamla=mom, próa=try, etta=this, gaú=glasses, nona=like this, átta=go to bed, neu=down. I would like to point out, for those who dón´t know, that this isn´t Icelandic, but a language that might be called "Katrinese", whch is a spin-off Icelandic.
I just got an idea: for my non-Icelandic readers: Icelandic word of the day! Wouldn´t you like to learn a few words in Icelandic, or short simple sentences?
...I take that as a yes.
IWOTD (Icelandic word of the day): bók (pronounced "boakk) =book.
ISOTD (Icelandic sentence of the day): Ég heiti Katrín (: yeg hati Kaatreen)= My name is Katrín. Instead of "Katrín" you can put your name, and, voila! You can introduce yourself in Icelandic!
QotD: "Bandblálað veðu úti!" (really bad weather outside) -Me, 2 yrs old, seeing that the weather is bad
p.s. I´m going to the Sugababes concert on Thursday; Valli, my half-brother´s dad, got two tickets through his job, and he gave them to me! Yay! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 00:44:-
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
"Never mind who I am. Who the fuck are you?"
I took About a Boy (the book) with me to Denmark, to read on the plane and train and when bored, but I didn´t really have any time to be bored and read, so I´m just on page 180-something. Normally, I´d have finished it a week ago. But, as said before, no time to read. Well, actually, there was more than enough time to read during travel, but I was always way to tired to read.
It was really fun in Denmark, even though there were a couple of times that I wished I could just go home and sleep in my bed. For example, Saturday night. We were walking practically the whole day. Put together, I think we walked for about 10-11 HOURS! We took the bus to downtown Copenhagen at 9:37, and we split up in groups and walked down Strøget (the main shopping street) from 10:00 till 16:30. That makes 6 1/2 hours. Then we took the bus back to Danhostel and in the evening, at about 18:30 we took the bus, and then train, to Klampenborg, more specifically, Bakken. We were there till 22:00. Three more hours. Then there´s the walk to the bus stops and train station. So you can just imagine how tired we all were when we finally got back to the youth hostel.
There was also something that happened on the train back from Bakken, that made everyone reeeally tired, and most of us were scared to death. I was, at least.
So. There were these guys, I think about 8, some looked like they were only 12 years old and others that were older, maybe 16-17. They were really drunk, and were yelling at us and the teacher (one of them kept yelling "jäg pråtter mycket svenska" (not sure if it´s spelled right); "I speak a lot of Swedish, because he apparentely thought we were Swedish), saying rude things and threatening some (I didn´t hear it myself, but the other girls told me), they sat on some of the girls and were swinging their cigarettes all over the place, and stood by the doors of the compartment that some of the girls were in, so they couldn´t get out. There was some couple that came into our compertment on one stop, and was going to say something to the guys, but our teacher somehow signalled them to keep shut up, and call for help. I have no idea what the man did, but someone said that he´d called the police, and they´d be waiting for the guys at Hovedbanegården (the main train station in Copenhagen). When the train stopped for the second or third time, our teacher took the opportunity while the guys were molesting the train, to rush us outside and into the next coach. It was only a couple of metres, but I think I´ve never run as fast in my life. It´s a real motivation to run, to be terrified that some drunk lunatics, probably with knives, are following you. I think I am now familiar with the concept of "running for your life". But it was no good to go into the next coach, because the next time the train stopped, which was a couple of minutes later, they followed us. I was even more terrified then, because I sat by the aisle, but on the other coach I sat by the window. We were all immensely reliefed when, a couple of stops later, the guys got out of the train, probably into another one. Sure, there were now probably some other innocent passengers being scared to death by these drunks, but all I could think of was how reliefed I was that we were safe. For now (then). Not that anything as scary happened after, but I must admit that I was a bit afraid when we were waiting for the bus to the youth hostel. This kind of thing had never happened to me before, and I hope it never will again. This was kind of like right out of a movie, but it was real.
Always look at the bright side of life...
I bought a few things on Strøget; a green and white striped shirt in Hennes & Mauritz (129 Danish Crowns), a black t-shirt with a picture of a pink dandelion in a second-hand shop called KitchBitch (only 20 Danish Crowns), Travis´first CD, Good Feeling, in TP Musikmarked (100 Danish Crowns), spider keyring for my brother and a tiny elephant statue for my mom, in Hong Kong (a shop with Chinese merchandise, or it was supposed to be Chinese. The elephant actually had a sticker on it that said "Made in India"...), and a necklace with a pentagram. When I´d bought it, I saw that one point of the pentagram was facing down, so I reversed it so that one point was at the top, as soon as I could, so people wouldn´t think I was a Satanist!
Well, it´s past 1 AM, so I must go to sleep, even though THERE ISN´T ANY SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!!!
I would like to finich this entry with a song that we´re practicing in choir:
Come Again
Come again, sweet lovedoth now invite
Thy graces that refrain
To do me due delight
.::To see, to hear, to touch, to kiss, to die,
To die with thee again
In sweetest sympathy::.
Come again, that I may cease to mourn
Thro´ thy unkind disdain
For now left and forlorn
.::I sit, I sigh, I weep, I faint, I die,
I die in deadly pain
And endless misery::.
Depressive, eh?
QotD: "I suppose by compparison, Iceland does make every other country look sucky." -Mia, from Princess in Love (no.3 in the Princess Diaries-series)
p.s. more on Denmark trip later! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 02:11:-
Thursday, April 01, 2004
"Ja, vi har en stor bil..."
Hæh'o! Eg sit i "Studiecenter" i Helsinge Gymnasium og tykir gott ad vera loks (eftir 3 daga) komin i samband vid umheiminn! Tad er buid ad vera alveg agætt herna, fer til København a morgun, hlakka obboslega til. For reyndar tangad i gær, med gestgjafanum, vinum hans og stelpunum, sem bua hja teim. Tad var svosum fint, en vid vorum bara i ca. 1 klst., og eg er svolitid svekkt yfir tvi ad hafa turft ad eyda 105 dkr. i lestarkort; Helsinge er algjørt krummaskud, og tad tarf ad skipta 2x um lest til ad komast til Køben. Og "klippekort" med 10 "klippum" kostar 105 dkr., en til ad fara i borgina tarf 4 klip, og ønnur 4 til baka. En vid forum ekki alla leid til baka, heldur forum ut i Hillerød og bordudum tar, adur en vid forum i keilu. Eg var svo ogedslega treytt (er reyndar buin ad vera treytt alveg sidan eg kom hingad) ad eg nennti ekki ad vera med, tannig ad eg sat bara i reykstybbunni og skrifadi i dagbokina.
Hurru, tarf ad hætta.
HejHej!!! | -: Trina
illustrated her blog at 18:34:-